- inherent spurious amplitude modulation 固有伪调幅, 剩余调幅
- There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。
- An inherent similarity between persons or things. 相似人或事物之间遗传上的相似之处
- inherent spurious 固有乱真频偏
- He has an inherent distrust of foreigners. 他天生对外国人不信任。
- Characterized by adulteration; spurious. 掺假的以掺假为特征的; 伪造的
- Inherent quality of character and temperament. 内在的气质性格、脾气的内在气质
- Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent. 特有的,固有的拥有的本质上的特征; 固有的
- The problems you mention are inherent in the system. 你提及的那些问题是这一制度本身存在的。
- That link, reckon the authors, is not spurious. 文章作者关于这一关系的估计不是伪造的。
- A love of music is inherent in human nature. 爱好音乐是人类固有的特性。
- Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent. 本质的是物体必不可少的组成部分; 固有的
- They had bought a spurious painting. 他们买了一幅假画。
- He has an inherent love of beauty. 他天生爱美。
- Not spurious or counterfeit;authentic. 真的,正品的非伪造的,非假冒的;真正的
- Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity. 防止假信号的意外作用或者避免二义性而设置的信号。
- Not spurious or counterfeit; authentic. 真的,正品的非伪造的,非假冒的;真正的
- Money is not an inherent part of the human being. 钱财身外物。
- Characterized by adulteration;spurious. 掺假的以掺假为特征的;伪造的
- Not inherent but added extrinsically. 外来的并非与生俱有的而是外加的