- He was bored for lack of occupation. 他因无所事事而感到厌烦。
- On Inheritance of State Membership in the U. N. 论联合国会员国资格的继承。
- What kind of occupation do your father do? 你父亲从事何种职业?
- The old man became bored for lack of occupation. 这位老人因无所事事而感到无聊。
- John is mad for a change of occupation. 约翰渴望改行。
- What made you decide on this type of occupation? 什么原因使你决定投身这个行业呢?
- Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race. 中国文学是中华民族的宝贵遗产。
- There is no support for extensions or inheritance of declarations. 不支持对声明扩展或继承。
- Inheritance of Short Stem Character on Cucumis melo L. 甜瓜短蔓性状的遗传分析。
- The inheritance of colorblindness is cross inher-itance. 色盲的遗传是交叉遗传。
- "Absence of occupation is not rest" (William Cowper). “失业不是休息” (威廉·考普尔)。
- He abdicated his right to share the inheritance of his uncle. 他放弃了分享叔父遗产的权利。
- inheritance of occupation 职业继承
- Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of choice of occupation. 香港居民有选择职业的自由。
- Effects of Space Conditions On Mutation and Inheritance of Tomato. 空间条件对番茄诱变作用及遗传的影响。
- Hong Kongresidents shall have freedom of choice of occupation. 第三十三条香港居民有选择职业的自由。
- In his study, the inheritance of 184 RAU patients were analysis. 本文对184RAU患者进行了家族史调查。
- Women concentrate in a small number of occupations. 妇女从事的职业集中在一小部分行业当中。
- Who is the Inheritor of the Earth? 谁是地球的继承者?
- The Development Tendency of Occupational Pensions. 企业年金发展展望。