- Study and Application of a Strong Inhibitive Drilling Fluid KCC-TH KCC-TH强抑制性防塌钻井液的研制及应用
- Keywords high density inhibitive drilling fluids;wellbore stabilization;hole cleaning; 高密度防塌钻井液;井眼稳定;井眼净化;
- inhibitive drilling fluids 抑制性钻井液
- Keywords water base drilling fluids;formulations/compositions;inhibitive drilling fluids;polymer/sulfonate drilling fluids;shale formations;bore-hole stabilization;methods and Techniques;Review; 水基钻井液;配方组合;抑制性钻井液;聚磺钻井液;硬脆性泥页岩;井壁稳定;测试方法;综述;
- Methyl silicone oil polysulfonate drilling fluid. 产。甲基硅油聚磺高密度钻井液。
- BZ 34-2EP-P1S drilling fluid technology. BZ34-2EP-P1S井钻井液技术
- The drilling fluid is described by Casson fluid. 采用卡森流体描述钻井液。
- Please write the "Drilling Fluids Engineering Accident Report". 请填写“钻井液事故报告”。
- Compared with conventional water based drilling fluid,this JMC drilling fluid owns better inhibitive ability of shale,better lubricative ability and formation protecting ability. 这种钻井液配方简单,具有优良的流变性、滤失性,抗污染能力强。
- High-dosage ethylene glycol can effectively inhibit gas hydrate from forming in the oil-based drilling fluid. 高浓度乙二醇能较好地抑制油基钻井液中水合物的形成。
- Field application shows that the formate drilling fluids have excellent inhibitive capacity which is very helpful in protecting bore holes from heaving and sloughing,and keeping the reservo. 通过对甲酸盐保护储层的研究和钻井液处理剂的评价,研制出了适合大庆开发井应用的甲酸盐钻井液配方,并对该配方保护储层的能力进行了评价。
- The results show that JLX can improve inhibitive,lubricity,HTHP stability and resistance against contamination such as Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ of polymer drilling fluid. 实验结果表明,聚合醇能提高聚合物钻井液的抑制性,能大幅度提高聚合物钻井液的润滑性能,对聚合物钻井液有一定的稀释降粘作用,并能提高聚合物钻井液的高温高压稳定性;
- Drilling Fluids Techniques of High Angle, Extended Reach Well in Zhuangxi Area. 桩西地区大斜度延伸井钻井液技术。
- We provides drilling fluids engineering services both offshore and onshore. 我们为海上和陆地钻井上提供钻井液工程技术服务。
- A novel filtration reducing agent NJ-1 for drilling fluid. 新型降滤失剂NJ-1的研究与应用
- Inhibiting effect mechanism of biopolymer MEG drilling fluid. 生物聚合物甲基葡萄糖甙钻井液抑制机理
- Drilling Fluid Technology of Well QATIF-894 in Saudi Arabia. 沙特阿拉伯QATIF-894井钻井液工艺技术
- Addition of proper polyol or inorganic salts such as polyethylene glycol and NaCl can effectively inhibit hydrate from forming in the oil-based drilling fluid. 为了达到最佳抑制效果,可在钻井液中配合加入适量聚合醇与无机盐。
- Its indoor experimental synthetic method,inhibitive to shale and effects on drilling fluid properties are discussed.Meantime,its complex reaction with polymer is analysed and evaluated in this paper. 文中分析了具阳离子褐煤在室内试验的合成方法、对页岩的抑制性、对钻井液性能的影响及聚合物复配的效果进行分析和评价。