- After they overcame their initial reserve, the two boys became useful to one another. 这两个男孩打破了最初的隔阂后,成为互相的伙伴。
- When the insurer is constant absolute risk aversion (CARA), the initial reserve has no effect on insurer's behavior. 当保险人表现为常数绝对风险规避(CARA)时,初始准备金对保险人并无影响;
- The captain overcame his initial reservations over serving an alien superior, since Thrawn proved his worth time and again by crafting intricate strategies that repeatedly confounded the New Republic. 这位舰长一开始对他的异族上司还有所顾忌,但索龙运筹帷幄,一次又一次地把新共和国打得措手不及,以实际行动证明了自己的价值,从而让佩莱昂心悦诚服。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- Suppose I reserve seats in advance. 我先去定好座位吧。
- Reserve double room June fourth to tenth inclusive. 预订双人房间,六月四日至十日,共六晚,望订妥复电。
- The area has been designated as natural reserve. 该地区已被指定为一个自然保护区。
- I reserve a table to a restaurant. 我向餐厅订一桌席位。
- His initial reaction was one of shock. 他最初的反应是震惊。
- A few drinks broke through his reserve. 他喝了点酒之後那矜持态度消失了。
- The initial `h' in `hour' is not aspirated. hour一字中起首的h不发送气音。
- We will reserve the money; we may need it later. 我们将把这笔钱存起来,也许以后用得着。
- You will find a little stack of candles in reserve. 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。
- She told me all about it without reserve. 她毫不保留地告诉我有关这件事的一切。
- Would you reserve a single for me? 请给我预订一间单人房好吗?
- The court will reserve judgement. 法庭将延期判决。
- The start or initial stage; the outset. 开始,开端开始或初始阶段
- After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly. 她克服了开始时的羞涩之后,就变得非常友善。
- I'd like to reserve a table for Sunday night at eight. 我想预订一个星期日晚上八点的位子。