- inlaid snuff bottle 镶嵌鼻烟壶
- She bought her father a snuff bottle. 她给爸爸买了一个鼻烟壶。
- Hand-carved snuff bottle from natural lapis lazuli stone. 中国工厂起定量 宝石鼻烟瓶产品的起定量可商议。
- This snuff bottle has been listed as one of the state's best works of art. 作品优美生动,细致入微,被国家列为工艺美术佳品珍藏。
- A glazed snuff bottle from the Liao dynasty(circa 1000), 21.6 cm high. 西元一千年左右的辽釉瓷皮囊壶,高廿一.六公分,模仿皮囊,维妙维肖。
- A good stone seal or a good snuff bottle could cost six or seven hundred dollars. 一颗精致的石印或一只精致的鼻烟壶有时值六七百块钱。
- At the beginning painter painted on the inside surface of the transparent glass or crystal snuff bottle. 鼻烟壶是一种传统工艺品,始于明朝,盛于清代。
- To appreciate a Chinese inner-painted snuff bottle is to taste the profoundness and delicacy of Chinese culture. 把玩一具中国的内画壶,可以时时体味中国文化的幽远和巧致。
- Now, snuff bottle used for snuff function become history already, and less than situation to paint carrier appear. 而今,鼻烟壶盛鼻烟的功能已成为历史,而以内画载体的形势出现。
- Have already now known earliest drawing the snuff bottle inside is 1816 Gan HuanWen's works. 现在已知最早的内画鼻烟壶是1816年甘桓文的作品。
- His picture Two Monkeys was awarded a prize for excellence by the 12th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association in 1980. 内画壶《双猿图》曾获1980年第12届国际烟壶协会优秀奖;
- We specialize in Chinese porcelain, jade, snuff bottle, textile and cloisonne.Our clients are consisting of private collectors and dealers from around the world. 玉兰堂古艺术收集淘宝来自于欧美地区的海外藏品,主要经营明清玉器,明清织绣品,瓷器,兼营鼻烟壶,珐琅器等古玩杂项。
- The art of decorating snuff bottles from the inside originated in Beijing. 内画壶是鼻烟壶的一种。 内画技艺起源于北京。
- I'm afraid I can only tell you something in general about snuff bottles. 恐怕我只能大概给你讲一下鼻烟壶。
- To understand China, it is a must to know Chinese inner-painted snuff bottles. 要了解中国,不可不知中国的内画壶。
- Flea market I was lucky when I went to the flea market today. In the middle of all the worthless junk I found a carved jade Chinese snuff bottle and bought it for five dollars: the seller didn't know what it was. 我今天去跳蚤市场,运气还真不错。在那些毫无用处的破玩意儿堆里,我找到一个中国鼻烟壶,是用玉做的,上面还有雕刻。我才化了五块钱。卖东西的人根本不知道那是什么东西。
- Snuff bottle is a traditional Chinese folkcraft;and first appeared in China in the mid17th century. What makes it special is not its practical use but that it is painted on the inside. 鼻烟壶是中国传统民间工艺品。最早出现在17世纪中期。其价值不是在其用途,而是在其内画艺术。
- I'm not feeling up to snuff today. 我今天觉得不大舒服。
- Pu Yi and Wan Rong was appraised as the best work by the 13th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association and in 1985 American Presidents won recognition as a unique piece of Chinese art. 《溥仪和婉容肖像》被第13届国际烟壶协会评为最优秀奖; 《美国历届总统像》荣获 1985年中国工艺美术珍品奖。
- In the beginning, it only served as a decoration of snuff bottles and grew into a unique craftwork later on. 最开始是为鼻烟壶作饰,继而成为一种独特工艺。