- inner current control 电流内环
- Aimed at characters of large-power EAF's smelt procedure, this paper implements intelligence intergrated control system, by using double closed loops' structure: the inner current loop and the outer temperature loop. 针对电弧炉冶炼生产过程多变量耦合、变非线性、时延和强干扰等特点,采用了温度控制外环和电流平衡控制内环的双环路结构,并实现了电弧炉温度和电流平衡的智能集成控制。
- A reference to the parent control of the current control. 对当前控件的父控件的引用。
- Gets or sets the identifier for the current Control object. 获取或设置当前Control对象的标识符。
- Short-circuit current control for national grid of the U.K. 英国国家电网的短路电流控制技术。
- Their high-response inner current loops provide reliable regulation of torque-load disturbances. 他们的高度响应内部电流圈提供可靠的转矩扰乱校准。
- The PWM voltage source inverter by current control is used in this system. 在此控制系统中,采用了电流控制PWM电压源逆变器环节。
- Gets or sets the parent control associated with the current control. 获取或设置与当前控件相关联的父控件。
- Gets the expression bindings for the current control at design time. 获取当前控件在设计时的表达式绑定。
- This paper presents a decoupled control scheme for three?phase four?leg inverter through an inner current regulator based on space vector cascaded with an outer synchronous frame PI controller. 该文提出了一种采用内环空间矢量电流调节器和外环同步坐标比例积分控制器相级联的三相四桥臂逆变器的控制方案,实现了对三相四桥臂逆变器的解耦控制。
- To different data sources while retaining the current control bindings. 在保留当前的控件绑定的同时,可以将。
- The driver can not open registry enum key under current control set. 驱动程序打不开目前控制设置下的注册表enum项。
- The DOM element that the current Control instance is associated with. 与当前Control实例关联的DOM元素。
- Applies a theme and a control skin to the current control at design time, if a. 对象与当前控件相关联,则在设计时将主题和控件外观应用于该控件。
- That represents the top-level control that contains the current control. 它表示包含当前控件的顶级控件。
- Input focus will remain on the current control until the user changes the data to an appropriate format. 输入焦点将停留在当前控件上,直到用户将数据更改为合适的格式。
- The standard values collection is the list of fields in the data source schema for the current control. 标准值集合是当前控件的数据源架构中的字段列表。
- Use the parent property to get and set the parent control of the current control. 使用parent属性可以获取和设置当前控件的父控件。
- That contains the expressions strings set for properties in the current control. 集合,包含为当前控件中的属性设置的表达式字符串。
- I was allowed once into his inner sanctum. 我有一次获准进入他的内室。