- as innocent as a child unborn 象没出世或刚诞生的婴孩那样单纯,非常天真无邪
- innocent as a child unborn 完全清白无辜
- (as) innocent as a child unborn 像没出世的婴孩那样单纯
- He is as innocent as a baby unborn. 像婴儿般天真,纯洁无瑕。
- She was vaccinate against smallpox as a child. 她小时候就接种了天花疫苗。
- As a child she was sent to six different schools. 她儿时前後上过六所学校。
- She was as innocent as a newborn baby. 她跟新生儿一样纯真。
- Innocent as a newborn in a world so frighting. 如婴儿般的纯洁,让世界如此的惊异。
- She gave promise of an outstanding musician as a child. 她从小就显露出成为杰出音乐家的苗头。
- He was taken on by a factory as a child labourer in the foundry shop. 他被一家工厂雇佣,在铸造车间当童工。
- The boy objects to being treated as a child. 这个小男孩不喜欢被当作孩子看待。
- As a child,he was rather naughty. 他小时候挺淘气。
- She has polio as a child and spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. 她小时候得了小儿麻痹症,终生没离开过轮椅。
- She had been taught to weave as a child. 她从小就学会了织布。
- She was given to another family as a child bride. 她被给了另一户人家作童养媳。
- As a child she is send to six different schools. 她儿时前後上过六所学校。
- He smiled as artless as a child of 5. 他笑得像个5岁的孩子那样天真烂漫。
- "You can't throw me in jail, I'm as innocent as a lamb", cried the robber. 这个盗贼喊到:"我是清白的,你们不能把我关起来的"
- She had polio as a child and spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair. 她小时候得了小儿麻痹症,终生没离开过轮椅。
- "You can't throw me in jail,I'm as innocent as a lamb", cried the robber. 这个盗贼喊到:"我是清白的,你们不能把我关起来的"