- The composite cementing material for soil studied in this paper is a new type of inorganic cementing material that can stabilize soil. 本文研究的复合土壤胶结料属于粉状土壤固化类材料,能在常温下直接胶结土体中土壤颗粒表面或能够与粘土矿物反应生成胶凝物质。
- Geopolymer is a new inorganic nonmetallic cementing material coming in recent years,its properties are better than those of Portland cement. 地质聚合物是近年来新发展起来的一种新型无机非金属胶凝材料,综合性能优于普通硅酸盐水泥。
- inorganic cementing material 无机胶凝材料
- This cheap, convenient, non-toxic and harmless inorganic cementing agent is an invaluable addition of great importance for sand controlling people. 这种廉价、简便、无毒、无害的无机胶结剂为治沙的人们增添了一件至关重要的法宝。
- Furthermore, a portion of space is filled with clay and cementing material. 而且,部分孔隙被粘土和胶结物质填充。
- Recommended cementation material is 2-bond and 2- luting cement. 推荐粘接材料是2-BOND与2-LUTING。
- This cheap,convenient,non-toxic and harmless inorganic cementing agent is an invaluable addition of great importance for sand controlling people. 这种廉价、简便、无毒、无害的无机胶结剂为治沙的人们增添了一件至关重要的法宝。
- The backfilling cost is high if cement is used as a cemented material. 采用水泥作为矿山充填胶结材料,充填成本高。
- As a king of cementing material with high property, HPMC is used for paint, paper making, tobacco products and ceram products . HPMC作为一种高性能粘结剂,运用于颜料、造纸、烟草产品和陶瓷产品。
- In this paper,a cementing material used to consolidate soil is prepared by adopting fly ash,kiln dust and activator. 本文采用粉煤灰、窑灰及激发剂配制了一种用于固化土壤的胶凝材料。
- As the most important adhesive and fixative,the chemical composition of the cementing material in the pigment,too,should be clearly understood. 其中的胶结材料作为至关重要的粘合剂和固定剂,其化学构成同样必须查个一清二楚。
- As the most important adhesive and fixative, the chemical composition of the cementing material in the pigment, too, should be clearly understood. 其中的胶结材料作为至关重要的粘合剂和固定剂,其化学构成同样必须查个一清二楚。
- Cementing material is the most important factor of filling mining,and its development may lead to revolution of the mining technique. 胶结材料是充填采矿技术中最为重要的因素,胶结材料的变化有时会引起采矿方法的变革;
- The main cementing part of the composite ceramsite sand control technique is composed of the main cementing material,the water soluble auxiliary material and the adding agent. 复合陶粒防砂技术的胶结主体是由胶结主材料、水溶性的辅助材料及外加剂所组成。此材料在水浴环境中胶结固化,产生一定胶结强度及连通孔隙的胶结整体。
- A great breakthrough has been made in the research of a filling cementing material for mine, a cementing material with water-quenching steel slag as primary raw material. 在矿用充填胶凝材料的研究中,以水淬钢渣为主要原料的胶凝材料的研究取得了较大突破,该材料以钢渣和少量石膏及激发剂组成。
- The addition of alkali-activated slag/fly ash cementing material can increase the hydration reaction to produce more tobermorite and CSH(I) so as to improve the mechanical strength of the brick. 加入适量粉煤灰-矿渣基激发胶凝材料,提高水化反应速度并生成更多的托贝莫来石和CSH(I)等水化产物,进而提高砖的力学强度。
- The slag grinding fineness,additives of exciting agent,modifier kind and quantity,which influence the dry contractibility and strength of slag cementing material,have been studied. 研究了矿渣的粉磨细度、激发剂的掺量、改性剂的种类与掺量对矿渣胶凝材料的干燥收缩性能及强度的影响。
- The main hydration products of AFG cementing materials are hydrated calcium silicate, and hydrated calcium aluminate etc. AFG胶凝材料的主要水化产物是水化硅酸钙和水化铝酸钙等。
- In dealing with reservoir rocks, it is necessary, because the cementing materials may seal off a part of the pore volume, to define total porosity and effective porosity. 在研究储层岩石时,因为胶结物会堵住一部分孔隙的体积,所以对于油藏流体有必要定义总孔隙度和有效孔隙度。
- Rocks and minerals are inorganic. 岩石和矿物都是无机物。