- Determination of inorganic element in different position of Cassia obtusifolia L. 草决明不同部位中无机元素的含量测定。
- To investigate inorganic element pollution status in road cumulated dust in Wusong industry and nearby areas. 了解上海市吴淞工业区及周边地区道路积尘中无机元素的污染状况。
- The discriminant analysis on inorganic element abundance shows that the palaeosedimentary environment of Jurassic in the Yanqi Basin is close to that of Dongying Sag. 萨胡判别分析证明,与煤共生的粗碎屑岩不是形成于河流环境,而是形成于深水浊积沉积环境。
- Several inorganic element of Hymeniacidon perleve are determined by EDXRF from August to November2002.At the same time,silicon in sponge was decreased. 分析了繁茂膜海绵在2002年8月到11月中主要无机元素的变化 ,发现繁茂膜海绵中的硅含量在降低。
- An inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that is essential to the nutrition of human beings, animals, and plants. 无机元素无机元素,如铝、铁、钾、钠或锌,为人类、动物和植物营养必不可少的成分
- The inorganic element content of three kinds of Myrica fruits are compared in this article and some inquires about their medical effect are included in it. 本文比较了同属三种杨梅果实无机元素的含量,并对其药理作进行了一定的探讨。
- Analysis of Amino Acids and Inorganic Elements in Fruits of Cassia fistula L. 傣药腊肠树果实中氨基酸和无机元素分析。
- Determination of inorganic elements and amino acids in Phaysalis pubescens L. 天泡子果实无机元素和氨基酸的测定。
- Result: the zizyphus jujuba and big jujube in Laoling Shandong are rich in inorganic element,but big jujube contents more inorganic elements in different degree. 结果:山东乐陵产金丝小枣和大枣中均含有丰富的微量元素,而大枣中的微量元素均不同程度高于小枣。
- Check and Analysis of Inorganic Elements and Water-Soluble Vitamins in Typha latifolia L. 蒲菜中矿质元素和水溶性维生素的检测与分析。
- Analysis of Inorganic Elements in Fruit Pericarp and Pedicel of Garcinia mangostana L. 山竹果皮及果蒂无机元素成分的分析。
- Conclusion:The content difference of inorganic elements in Gypsum Fibrosum may be correlate to its area. 结论:不同产地石膏中无机元素的含量差异较大,可能与其产地有关。
- Analysis on the Characteristics of Inorganic Elements in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. 怀山药无机元素的特征分析。
- Inorganic elements calcium, iron, magenesuim, zinc, copper and manganese join in the OP’s occurred and development. 无机元素钙、铁、镁、锌、铜、锰等参与了OP发生发展的病理过程;
- Method:ICP-AES was used to analyze the inorganic elements in Gypsum Fibrosum together with HCl-HNO3 digestion. 方法:湿法盐酸-硝酸对石膏样品进行消解,利用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定其无机元素的含量。
- The content of inorganic elements in Salvia miltiorrhiza Safflower and Lconurus heterophyllus was determined by AAS. 采用原子吸收分光光度法测定了丹参、红花草、益母草等活血化瘀中草药中多种无机元素的含量。
- The results showed that there were abundant inorganic elements in physalis alkekengi L.var. 结果表明,锦灯笼含有丰富的对人体有益的无机元素,具较高的营养价值。
- Objective:To analyze the inorganic elements in Gypsum Fibrosum from different area. 目的:分析不同产地石膏中无机元素的含量差异。
- ICP/MS and HPLC-ICP/MS were used to study contents of inorganic elements and the elemental speciation in Panax quinquefolium. L for the first time. 首次将现代分析技术ICP-MS及HPLC-ICP-MS联用技术应用于西洋参无机元素及元素形态分析领域;
- The results showed that the prevention and cure of heart and brain blood vessel diseases may be related to inorganic elements in Urtica angustifolia. 结果表明,荨麻中所含无机元素与心脑血管疾病的防治可能有一定关联。