- Owing to its integrity, uniqueness, restriction and transparency in progressing, inquiry learning activities matches the salient features of project management. 研究性学习活动的整体性、独特性、约束性和渐进明细性使其具有项目特征。
- Improving the Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Activities 提高探究学习活动的实效性
- inquiry learning activity 探究式学习活动
- Finding problem and fixing on it is a key step in inquiry learning. 问题的发现与确定在研究性学习中是关键的一个环节。
- Include applications planning in each learning activity. 在每次学习活动的计划中包涵应用。
- Reviewing the findings of previous studies, this paper points out some current problems and research orientations of inquiry learning. 本文综述了诸方面的研究成果,指出目前存在的问题和今后发展的方向。
- Internationally and acknowledgedly, The teaching mode of Inquiry Learning is a brand-new mode. 在高师程序设计基础课程中实施研究性学习教学模式,是一种研究性学习实践层面上的尝试。
- Both acceptant learning and inquiry learning are two kinds of reforms in education put forward against different kinds of knowledge teaching. 接受学习和探究学习是针对不同类型知识教学提出的两种教学改革主张。
- With the welling up of Chinese education web sites, the practices of Chinese inquiry learning are flourishing in littoral areas. 最近两三年,随着语文类教育网站的大量涌现,基于网络环境的语文研究性学习的探索实践活动在沿海地区蓬勃发展。
- The Geometer's Sketchpad resolved the difficult problem in "inquiry learning", which is to establish the situation of student-centred learning, in the mathematics classroom. 摘要“几何画板”应用于中学数学课堂“探究学习”中,解决了“探究学习”的难点问题。
- An effective way to study math is to learn by doing, inquiry learning and cooperative learning because much of the contents can be done through doing with hands and operation. 摘要有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿与记忆,动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。
- The character of experience is that through participating in inquiry learning student can acquire experience of meta-cogitation, instruction method and instruction strategy. (4)体验性,在探究性学习中,由于学生全员参与,可以获得教学内容、学习策略及方法、元认知的体验。
- This learning activity allows users to answer rhyming riddles and then check their answers online. 这个学习活动允许使用者回答押韵的谜语然后在线核对答案。
- The results showed (1)The use of deeping processing play an important role of learning activity. 教育中应重视对学困生学习动机的激发,特别是深沉内在的学习动机的激发。
- On the base of a great deal of material, the contemporary research and practice can be reduce to instruction mode, inquiry learning with teacher, inquiry learning with student, and its effect. 大量文献资料表明,当代探究性学习的教学研究及实践主要包括:探究性学习的教学模式,探究性学习与教师,探究性学习与学生,探究性学习的教学效果等诸多方面。
- Learning affect has a major influence on learning activities. 学习情感对学习活动具有重要影响。
- You can do many wonderful things with Think. Com, from leaving a simple sticky note to creating an innovative Project-Based Learning activity. 使用Think.;com;您可以做许多精彩的事情;从留简单帖子到创建具有创新性的基于项目的学习活动。
- Viewed from the experience of some places where inquiry learning is practiced, we could see that inquiry learning not only conforms to the education reform but also is welcome by students. Thus research study is of important realistic significance. 从研究性学习在我国一些地方的实践来看,既符合教育改革的要求,又受到学生欢迎,因而具有重要的现实意义。
- This article is to study the ways to put computer teaching method into practice. The purpose is to make students have the ability to analyse data and information through applying "inquiry learning" to EXCEL. 旨在探索实践计算机教学方法 ,通过“研究性学习法”在 EXCEL电子表格中的应用 ,培养学生使用计算机分析数据、处理信息的综合能力。
- Long distance education is a learners' autonomous learning activity, and the value of long distance education lies on autonomous learning. 摘要远程教育是一种学习者自主学习的活动,远程教育的价值体现在“自主学习”上。