- inquiry teaching theory 研究性教学
- Inquiry Teaching has been considered an essential part of Fundamental Physics education in novation internationally. 探究性教学是国际物理教育改革和我国基础物理教育改革的共同取向。
- Constructivist Teaching Theory is the core of the current educational theory. 摘要建构主义教学理论是当前教育教学的核心理论。
- The design of inquiry teaching contex is the need of all round development of student, and also the important task of new curriculum reform. 本课题结合研究者所在学校和学生的实际情况,进行了“高中化学绪言课”、“试卷讲评课”、“元素化合物新课”、“基本理论新课”等各种课型的探究性课堂教学“情-境”设计;
- Inquiry teaching mode is applied in pedagogics teaching can improve students's teaching quality,train students' creative spirit beyond textbook. 在教育学课程教学中进行教学模式改革,采用研究性教学模式,提高了师范生教育教学的能力与素质,培养了学生超脱书本知识的创造精神。
- To train the students to study initiatively and experience "inquiry teaching" are effective way to realize the training aim. 培养学生主动学习、亲身体验的“探究性教学”是实现这一培养目标的有效途径。
- There is so much work to do about the design method and level of inquiry teaching contex, and the mode of inquiry teaching contex also needs to be done futher. 通过研究笔者还认为探究性课堂教学“情-境”的设计在设计手法、设计层次、课时控制等方面还待进一步的探索,对探究性课堂教学情境设计的模式还有待进一步研究。
- We make use of the contex material supplied by the text book, some related chemistry experiments and real material in everyday life to design inquiry teaching. 情绪心理学理论、动机理论、认知失调理论、建构主义学习理论等心理学理论和教育理论,是本课题研究的理论基础。
- Constructionism has extensively and substantially influenced the global education, teaching theory and practice. 摘要近年来,建构主义对教学理论与实践产生了越来越广泛而深刻的影响。
- The primitive textbook and teaching theory can not admit the new course standard. 原有的教学理念及教材体系已经不适应新的课程标准。
- Richard Suchman (1927 --) , a professor in the University of Illinois of U.S.A and an advocator and experimenter of inquiry teaching, had done deep and special research on it in sixties last century and formed his own inquiry teaching thought. 美国伊利诺大学的理查德·萨其曼(1927--)教授--探究教学的坚实倡导者与试验者,早在上个世纪六十年代对此已作出了深入而独到的研究,形成独具特色的探究教学思想。
- In this paper,cooperative learning,interactive teaching methods and inquiry teaching methods are analyzed.And according to characteristics of distance education learners and professiona... 远程教育教学必须与网络技术相结合,教学活动及模式的设计也应考虑网络技术应用的特征。
- In the modern research on teaching theory of mathematics problems-solving, polya’s is a flag. 今天人们公认,在现代数学解题研究方面,波利亚是一面旗帜。
- Though his teaching theory points out errors and offers salutary advice, it is hypercorrect. 韩军的工作是在重建语文教育的时代精神。韩军是面向新世纪对我们进行新语文的启蒙。
- In 2005, The topic of teaching theory in China can be generalized: it regressed itself through reflection and dialogue. 摘要2005年,中国教学论研究的主题可以概括为:在反思和对话中回归自身传统。
- In the second section, the teaching theory facing infants" life-world is addressed. 第二部分,面向幼儿生活世界教学的理论追寻。
- The reconsidering teaching practice is a new pattern which takes the reconsidering practice and the reconsidering teaching theory as the instruction. 摘要反思性教育实习是以反思性实践和反思性教学理论为指导的教育实习新模式。
- Chomsky who did the research of language structure and Chinese teaching theory had pointed out the hypothesis of that language formed mechanism. 对语言结构与语文教学理论的研究来自于乔姆斯基提出了“语言习得机制”的假说。
- Researches clarified some paradoxical problems, and put forward the developmental trend of teaching theory in new situation. 对一些似是而非的理论问题进行了澄清,并提出在新形势下教学论的发展趋向。
- Modernity is a process full of antinomy, complicated history and culture, and teaching theory greatly influenced by it is also filled with antinomy. 摘要现代性是充满矛盾、复杂的历史和文化过程,深受其影响的现代教学理论也充满矛盾。