- Displays static fields for objects. 显示对象的静态字段。
- For objects grouped in rows, e. G. 一排椅子。
- Mr.Feng Qi-yong, one famous Chinese Scholar, made inscription for the Company. 我国著名学者冯其庸先生为我公司题词。
- Used to define source control bindings for objects. 用于定义对象的源代码管理绑定。
- I've invited a renowned calligrapher to write an inscription for my restaurant. 我请了一位有名的书法家为我的饭店题额。
- inscription for objects 咏物铭
- Jake: Archaeologists also look for objects in the sea. 杰克:考古学家们也在海里寻找。
- Pedantically speaking, there is no similar conversion for objects. 严格说来,对对象没有类似转换。
- There are %I64d rows in %ld pages for object '%.*ls'. 对象 ''%253!'' 有 %251! 行,这些行位于 %252! 页中。
- We appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal. 我们理解你反对这项提议的理由。
- Which work with all objects (and are a point of confusion for objects). 它们能操作所有对象(也是对象易令人混淆的一个地方)。
- During the interview,I asked him to write an inscription for our English Salon magazine.He agreed joyfully. 采访中,我们请基辛格博士为本刊题词,他欣然应允。
- Normally,you must use a more general type of initialization for objects. 通常,必须为对象使用一种更通用的初始化类型。
- They're all good. I didn't know you were such a calligrapher. You must write an inscription for me some time too. 个个都好.;怎么写的这们好了?明儿也与我写一个匾
- SOAP took this one step further with its encoding rules for objects. SOAP向前迈出了一步,有了用于对象的编码规则。
- During the interview,I asked him to write an inscription for our English Salon magazine. He agreed joyfully. 采访中,我们请基辛格博士为本刊题词,他欣然应允。
- The same is true for objects specific to a particular application domain. 对于特定于某个特定应用程序域的对象也是如此。
- Li Xu'er, former deputy director of the State Science and Technology Commission, made an inscription for the center. 原国家科委副主任李绪鄂题词。
- Extended properties can be defined for objects at any one of these levels. 可以为这些级别中的任一级别的对象定义扩展属性。
- Normally, you must use a more general type of initialization for objects. 通常,必须为对象使用一种更通用的初始化类型。