- insert trend line 插入趋势线
- Good trend line to the previous year. 好趋势要上年线。
- The second characteristic is the trend line fan shape. 第二个特征是扇形趋势线的形态。
- A move to the right of the parabolic trend line is an exit signal. 运行到抛物线形的趋势线右边是该趋势结束的信号。
- Detrick said.'Since theearly 1980s, that trend line has served as support. 自从八十年代初以来,那条趋势线一直都是支撑位。
- Aussie is vulnerable to breaching the 0.7060 support and the 0.70 trend line. 澳元很可能下破0.;7060和0
- At other times, business activity is likely to slump, hitting a low point below the trend line. 在另外的某些年份商业活动好象掉进陷坑,达到趋势直线以下的某个最低点。
- The high probability outcome is a continuation of the uptrend with prices clustering near the value of trend line C. 很有可能出现的结果是上升趋势将继续,其间,价格在趋势线C的位置附近上下反复。
- Unlike Fibonacci Retracement, this instrument is built not on the only one trend line, but on two waves. 斐波纳契弧线 斐波纳契弧线,第一,此趋势线以二个端点为准而画出,例如,最低点反向到最高点线上的两个点。
- At present, the Shanghai index has been dishing out long-term trend line reversal patterns, and in its operation below. 目前,上证指数已走出长期碟形反转形态趋势线,并在其下方运行。
- A bullish result is when this rebound is able to move above the third fan trend line. 乐观的结果是此次反弹可运行到第三条扇形趋势线以上。
- The overburden pressure is calculated accurately and normal trend line equations are determined during the prediction. 然后在预测过程中,准确计算上覆岩层压力,确定合适的正常趋势线方程。
- There is a high probability the market will develop rebound rallies from the second fan trend line. 股市从第二条扇形趋势线处形成反弹的可能性很大。
- A stop loss order3& cent; under a Trend Line Bottom or over a Trend Line top will be caught less frequently than a1 or2& cent; stop loss orders. 止损在在趋势线底部下或趋势线顶上3美分处的被套机会将少于在1或者2美分处。
- Can divide into indexes, trend lines, forms, K lines, wave basically. 基本可以划分为指标类、切线类、形态类、K线类、波浪类。
- But do not consider that the main trend has changed up or down until an option crosses a Trend Line top or breaks under the last Trend Line bottom. 在此过程直到行情穿过趋势线顶部或者跌破最后的底部趋势线才可认为主要趋势已经改变。
- You should always keep up a daily high and low chart with opening and closing on it and keep your Trend Line on this Daily Chart. 你应该始终保存含有每日开收盘价的日图表,并且画上趋势线。
- Insert a want ad, and it may help. 登一则招聘广告,也许有用。
- In the longer term when the parabolic trend line collapses, it allows for a faster decline in prices because support levels are not strong. 在长期当抛物线趋势瓦解的时候,由于支撑位不够坚固,它可能形成一次快速的价格下跌。