- Neo-liberalism and the decline of democratic governance in Australia: a problem of institutional design? 新自由主义与澳大利亚民主治理的衰落:制度设计问题?
- Social logos directs the activity of institutional design and is the essential part of social engineering activity. 用社会理性指导社会制度设计,是社会工程活动的基本环节。
- As one of the most important components of general public policies, nutrition policy is guaranteed in institutional design by making nutrition law. 一、制定法律,从制度设计上保证营养工作作为政府公共政策的重要组成部分。
- Small credit agency is an institutional design that mobilizes private funds and effectively reduces the financial risk of commercial banks. 小型贷款机构是动员民间资金进入贷款领域并有效防范商业银行金融风险的一种制度设计。
- The conclusion is that the market-orientated innovation needs the institutional design and the law safeguard based upon the hazard. 得出的结论是,追求水利管理效率的市场化改革需要考虑干旱的威胁,要有基于风险的制度设计和法律保障。
- The reason of the under-prevision is the anticommons within institutional design of public organizations and the characteristic of public service. 公共服务的供给不足很大程度是缘于公共组织的制衡设计原则和公共服务的交叉特征所导致的“反公地悲剧”。基于已有研究的成果。
- Laffont,J.-J.And Martimort,D.,P.1998."Transaction Costs,Institutional Design and the Separation of Power." European Economic Review.42(3):673-84. 交叉补贴指一个多产品企业以低于平均成本对某一产品定价;通过对其他产品的高于平均成本的定价来补偿损失.
- However, the institutional design of cross-border governance in the region faces special challenges owing to the existence of "One Country-Two Systems" (OCTS) framework. 然而,由于一国两制的框架,所以该区域中跨界治理的制度设计面对著特殊的挑战。
- Reinforcing the relief function of complaining system is far beyond the original intention of institutional design,goes against constructing modern nomocracy,and falls short of the purport on how to build national mechanisms in aid of right. 强化信访的权利救济功能,不是信访制度设计的初衷,不利于法治国家的构建,也与国家权利救济机制建设思路不符合。
- The convergence of three trends-globalization, information technology and government reinvention, make the institutional design of intergovernmental cooperation an important issue. 摘要在全球化、资讯化与政府改造三大潮流冲击下,府际合作制度的建立已成为当代政府的重要课题。
- Finally, the conceiving institutional design and legal content on regional government will be explored.Besides, the local effects caused by regional government will be explained as well. 最后,试图构思区域政府在法制上的制度设计与主要内涵并讨论区域政府概念对地方法制体系所可能牵动的效应。
- Relevant experience in similar position, shipyard or marine institute design background is preferred. 有相关经验或有船厂设计工作经验者优先考虑。
- The purpose of this paper is to provide an environmental economics analysis to examine what are the possible institutional designs to resolve NIMBY conflicts. 如何设计一套完备的制度设计有效的化解邻避情结,一直是各领域学者努力的目标。
- Minimum of 5 years relevant experience in similar position, shipyard or marine institute design background. 具有五年以上相关经验或有船厂设计工作经验。
- The status quo is : developers offer, the design institute designers do coolie. 现状便是:开发商做东,设计院的设计师做小工。
- As a result, the institution design of privatization policy was guite important. 因此,对于民营化政策的制度设计就显得更为重要。
- Therefore,we must all think about and correctly appraise the positive role of the private interest in institution design. 因此,在进行制度设计时必须充分认识和评价个人利益的积极作用。
- It is the Supreme Court that is institutionally designed to hear constitutional arguments and to interpret constitutional clauses. 而最高法院是制度设计上用来对宪法争议进行听证、解释宪法条款的机构。
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- In the discussion about parody and copyright, this article pays particular attention to the great impacts of digital networking upon legal order as well as different new-type institutional designs. 本文参与关于戏仿与著作权的讨论,侧重于数码网络化对法律秩序的深刻影响以及各种创新型制度设计。