- This paper is about how to teach and learn writing with concept map based on the instructional experiment in the fifth grade. 论文以五年级学生为教学试验对象,研究如何运用概念图工具辅助小学语文写作教与学;
- A trip around the world is an instructive experience. 环球旅行是一种增长见识的经历。
- First, Through the test studies of the interaction of radar waves that are reflected from rebar groups, we get some instructional experiences. 本文首先研究了各种相邻钢筋对雷达波的干扰问题,得出了一些有指导作用的经验。
- I want to thank you for a most instructive experience! 为了这最有教益的经验,我要感谢你!
- My reins also instruct me in the night seasons. 我的心肠在夜间也警戒着我。
- It took me just on two hours to do this experiment. 做这个实验大约花了两个小时。
- Who'll instruct them to do the experiment? 谁将指导他们做这项试验?
- We are doing a chemical experiment. 我们正在做化学实验。
- My job is to instruct her in English. 我的工作是教她英语。
- The results of the experiment varied wildly. 实验结果差异很大。
- Some scientists experiment on animals. 有些科学家用动物做试验。
- I am doing an experiment of neutralizing acid. 我在做一个中和酸的实验。
- We will do a Chemistry experiment this Friday. 这个周五我们要做化学试验。
- May a good result wait upon your experiment. 祝你的实验取得满意的成果。
- The uprising in Tiananmen and across China in 1989 and the subsequent collapse of communist systems in Europe and the Soviet Union were instructive experiences for the CCP. 对中国共产党来说,1989年的天安门事件,以及随后共产党执政体制在欧洲的崩溃和苏联解体都很有指导意义。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders. 年轻人不应该对老年人发号施令。
- We need sublimate water for our experiment. 我们的实验需要纯净化的水。
- We did some singularly boring experiment. 我们做了一些非常乏味的试验。
- He is close about the experiment. 他一点也不肯透露有关实验的情况。