- insufficient and flaw 不足缺陷
- Our Chinese citizen culture has its own distillation and flaw. 我国的公民文化有其自身的精髓与缺失。
- His remark is full of contradictions and flaws. 他的话前后矛盾, 破绽百出。
- The packages are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably. 包装不充分导致内容物大量泄露。
- Don't be so hard on me. My merits and flaws balance out. 不要对我太苛刻了,我是瑕瑜参半。
- The previous solutions involving code pages and DBCS have proven insufficient and awkward. 早先包括代码页和DBCS的解决方案已被证明是不足的和难用的。
- I think because the anhydrous condition was insufficient and the piperidine was not pulled out entirely. 其中BOP和三氯均三氰活化为Fmoc-氨基醇的制备提供了一个更适合生产的方法,但总体上来讲三种方法的产率不太高。
- This paper will study the colour and flaw in raw jadeite by surface analysis method and intersecting discipline method. 文章通过分析皮壳以及运用交叉学科的有关原理来探讨赌石内部色彩及裂隙的存在问题。
- The third part: The main content and flaw of adult guardianship system in our country at present. 第三部分:我国现行成年人监护制度的主要内容及缺陷。
- Veterans' groups have slammed the British government's response to the situation as insufficient and demanded a public inquiry. 老兵组织抨击英国政府对该事件重视不够,并要求进行公众调查。
- Results The mental health resources in Chengdu City were insufficient and the util ization rate of health resources was low. 结果成都市精神卫生机构资源比较贫乏,同时卫生资源利用率较低。
- Firstly, the thesis analyzes the current situation of cadastral data updating in Hangchou, and points out the existence the insufficiency and the flaw. 本文首先总结和分析了杭州地籍数据更新工作的现状,指出存在的不足和缺陷;
- Objective To approach the forte and flaw of coronary artery stent implantation through the arteria cruralis or through the arteria radialis way. 目的探讨经股动脉和桡动脉途径行冠脉支架置入的优缺点。
- The agency would have authority to overhaul a tangled mess of federal regulations that many financial experts regard as outdated, insufficient and inadequately enforced. 该机构将有权彻底修整一团乱麻般的联邦法规,许多金融专家认为这些法规是过时的、不足的、执行得不彻底的。
- The merit and flaw of the NUC algorityms are expounded , and these algorithms compared are simulated with MATLAB software. 然后分析比较了几种非均匀性校正的方法,指出了其各自的优缺点和适应场合,并用MATLAB软件仿真了其中几种校正算法;
- Secondly leading enterprises are defined unclearly, whose fund is insufficient and operating mechanism lag behind, at the same time their tersest mechanism is imperfect either. 其次龙头企业界定不清,资金不足且经营机制落后,利益机制也不完善等。
- However,HAC methods have several drawbacks,such as high time and memory complexities when clustering,insufficient and inaccurate cluster validation,etc. 但层次聚类也存在着几个缺点,如聚类时的时空复杂性高;聚类的簇效率低、误差较大等。
- Testing demonstrated that the design actualized automatic clean-up and flaw detection for large scale columnar device, and good result was achieved. 试验验证,该方案实现了对大型圆筒件的自动清洗和检测,取得了较好效果。
- Compression super corpuscles provide comfortable feeling to skin, can stick with skin closely, and effectively cover line and flaw, look softer and evenly, optimize skin. 压缩性超微粒子粉体为肌肤带来舒适的使用感觉,能与肌肤表面紧密结合,有效遮盖幼纹瑕疵,扩散柔和、均匀,轻若无物,倡导无重量粉底新时尚。