- insulation between plates 片间绝缘
- There is reflection between plates. 由于波片之间失配存在反射。
- It is always difficult to assure good insulation between the electric leads. 要保证两个电触头之间有良好的绝缘总是很困难的。
- The carrier material also provides electrical insulation between the gage and the component after the gage is mounted. 在应变片安装之后,传导体又成为应变片与零件之间的电绝缘体。
- Physically it is impossible to have complete thermal insulation between two media. 从物理学上讲,两种介质之间不可能有完全的绝热。
- A forkful of bacon and fried bread remained poise between plate and mouth. 一叉子的熏肉和煎饼在盘子和嘴之间停住了。
- Air is the medium of electrical insulation between electrically live parts and grounded (earthed) metal parts. 空气是带电零件和接地金属零件之间的绝缘介质。
- Air is the medium of electrical insulation between electrically lie parts and grounded (earthed) metal parts. 空气是带电零件和接地金属零件之间的绝缘介质。
- A mid-ocean ridge is a boundary between plates where new lithospheric material is injected from belows. 岩石圈被划分为几十个大小不同形状各异的板块,一般而言这些板块都处于相对运动之中。
- The American people still believed that distance provided adequate insulation between us and any conflict in Europe or Asia. 美国人仍相信欧亚两洲,远隔重洋,战火不致延及本身。
- An A.C. voltage of 2000 volts is applied between the winding and ground to test the integrity of the insulation between the winding and core iron. 在线圈绕组和地线上加上2000伏交流电以测试线圈绕组和芯铁之间的绝缘的整体性能。
- On the other hand,every environment has a specialization for gold metallization,with the interaction between plates and its cyclicity development,this specialization... 另一方面,不同板块构造环境对金矿成矿具有专属性,这种专属性随着板块间的相互作用及其旋回性发展具有时空复合特征。
- The environmental-friendly insulation between test chamber and exterior housing guarantees best insulation values and thus lowest possible operating costs. 在试验箱和外壳之间的、对环境友好的隔热层保证最佳的隔热值和可能的最低的运行成本。
- Dismantle the motor and check the insulation between phase lines. Check the reasons of the lines, the insulation of which is less than 500,000 ohm, and repair them. 拆开电动机、检查相线和相线问的绝缘,凡绝缘不到50万欧姆者,必须查出原因,加以修复。
- They strongly disagree about the correct way of bridging the gap between plate and mouth. 他们对连接盘子和嘴的正确方式产生了极大的分歧。
- The isolation of this damper is performed by the friction force caused by relative slip between plate layers under loading. 根据动力学原理,建立了阻尼器的振动系统模型及系统方程;
- For instance, please insure there is no damage to the insulation between the soldering turret and welding cable, the chassis of the soldering machine is well grounded, and all wiring contacts are in good condition. 如焊钳和焊接电缆的绝缘是否有损坏的地方,焊机的外壳接地和焊机的各接线点接触是否良好。
- Packing gauge A measuring instrument which is used to determine the space between plate, or blanket, and the cylinder bearers and thus, the amount of packing needed. 衬垫厚度计测量仪器。用来测量印版,胶布和圆筒肩铁间的空位,因此而决定衬垫所需的厚度。
- Buried Oxide Layer (BOX) - The layer that insulates between the two wafers. 氧化埋层(BOX)-在两个晶圆片间的绝缘层。
- Abstract : The contact force between plates and ground is treated as a continuous function, and the 16-node degenerated isoparametric element is proposed for the analysis of plates on ground. 摘要: 假定基础板对地基的作用为一连续分布荷载,采用16节点退化实体等参元对基础板进行有限元分析。