- insure at a low premium 付低额保险费保险
- The economy of the country is at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- I bought this watch at a low price. 我以便宜的价钱买了这只表。
- Lead fuses at a low temperature. 铅在低温下就熔化。
- At a low temperature, water turns into ice. 水在低温时就结成冰。
- One that is at a low or early stage of development. 初期发展处于低级或早期发展阶段的事物
- Manufacturing business is now at a low ebb. 制造业现正处于衰落中。
- Water freezes at a low temperature. 水在低温时结冰。
- Morale among teachers is at a low ebb. 教师的精神面貌处于低潮。
- Christian Europe was at a low ebb. 信仰基督教的欧洲到了低潮期。
- Eggs are selling at a low price. 鸡蛋现在售价很低。
- The government tried to keep the death toll at a lower level. 政府力图将死亡人数控制在较低标准。
- His bicycle was sold at a low rate. 他的自行车以低价出售。
- They sold their farm at a low price. 他们以低价出售了他们的农场。
- Things have been at a bit of a low. 最近的情况一直不太好。
- The food must be kept at a low temperature. 这食物必须在低温下保存。
- Public confidencein the President is at a low ebb. 民众对总统的信心在减退。
- The TV set was sold at a low rate. 这台电视以低价出售了。
- He sold his watch at a low price. 他以低价把他的表卖了。
- He talk at a low voice lest they wake the baby up. 他们说话声音低,怕吵醒孩子。