- integer type device 整型装置
- This maps to a SQL Server integer type. 它映射到SQL Server integer类型。
- And any enumeration type based on a CLS-compliant base integer type. 以及任何基于符合CLS的基础整数类型的枚举类型。
- Values of float are truncated when they are converted to any integer type. 如果将float值转换为任一整数类型,这些值将被截断。
- Integer type that holds negative or positive numbers, including zero. 保存负数、正数或零的整型。
- The example type converter supports properties of integer type with which it has been associated. 示例类型转换器支持与其关联的integer类型的属性。
- If overflow occurs converting one integer type to another, the high order bits are truncated. 如果在将一个整数类型转换为另一个整数类型时发生溢出,则截断高序位字节。
- The first column must provide the tag number, integer type, of the current element, and the column name must be Tag. 第一列必须提供当前元素的标记号(整数类型),并且列名必须是Tag。
- If you specify a number beyond the bounds of the integer type, it will be interpreted as a float instead. 如果你指定一个数超出了integer的范围,将会被解释为float。
- This is a 15th century fresco from Kiev. Seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device. 这是来自基辅15世纪壁画。似乎显示耶稣在类型火箭的设备。
- A new type device of automatic diluting and dividing for radioisotope solwtion are designed. 摘要研制了一种新型的同位素自动稀释分装装置,并提出了一种实时剂量测控新方法。
- Therefore, implicit conversion is performed where integer type is promoted to double and the two double values are compared. 因此,在integer类型提升为double且比较了两个double类型值后会进行隐式转换。
- QIfist (Suppress _ftol): Suppresses _ftol when a conversion from a floating-point type to an integer type is required (x86 only). QIfist(取消_ftol):当需要从浮点类型转换为整型时取消_ftol(仅限x86)。
- This research uses the case study method on a multi-circulating type device from a case company that manufactures mechanical car-parking systems. 本研究采个案研究方法,系以一家生产机械停车设备产品的厂商为例,并以多层循环式设备为研究对象。
- Implicit narrowing type conversions, such as assigning a Decimal type object to an integer type object, are reported as errors. 如果隐式地进行收缩类型转换(例如将Decimal类型对象赋给一个Integer类型的对象),将会报错。
- The integer types are required to have a binary value representation. 整数类型要求具有一个二进制的值表示法。
- Also, if you perform an operation that results in a number beyond the bounds of the integer type, a float will be returned instead. 同样如果你执行的运算结果超出了integer范围,也会返回float。
- For example, if you pass an integer type value to a function that is expecting a string type parameter, no implicit casting occurs and an error is returned. 例如,如果将整数类型值传递到需要字符串类型参数的函数,则不发生隐式转换并返回错误。
- Based on mathematics model and mathematics formula which are concluded from the hydrokinetics, we designed a new type device to measure velocity of flow and measure temperature and liquid stress.2. 主要工作如下:1.根据流体力学原理推导出采集装置的数学模型和数学公式,并根据数学模型设计采集装置,然后进行多次的试验、测量、比较,得出理想的参数。
- Warning C6220 - Implicit cast between semantically different integer types: comparing HRESULT to -1. 警告C6220:语义不同的整数类型之间的隐式强制转换:将HRESULT与-1进行比较。