- In her talk she went into the nature of imperialism. 她在报告中探讨了帝国主义的本性。
- Plants will be carefully selected, giving preference to local ones, try to plant bush, perennial root flowers and cover plant so as to reach a harmonious effect among these plants and realize integration into the natural landscape. 选择适宜绿化品种,特别是本地物种,努力发展灌木、宿根花卉和地被植物,力求乔、灌、花相结合,强调与周围自然景观协调。
- Plants will be carefully selected,giving preference to local ones,try to plant bush,perennial root flowers and cover plant so as to reach a harmonious effect among these plants and realize integration into the natural landscape. 选择适宜绿化品种,特别是本地物种,努力发展灌木、宿根花卉和地被植物,力求乔、灌、花相结合,强调与周围自然景观协调。
- Seamless integration into the overall project. 整个项目的无缝联结。
- Immigrants are integrated into the community. 移民与该地区的居民融为一体。
- integration into the nature 委运自然
- The article gives us new insights into the nature of sleep. 这篇文章为我们了解睡眠的本质提供了新的视角。
- Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. 自然科学基于逻辑推理而不是凭经验得来的方法来探究事物的本质。
- A battery cast into the nature could pollute over300,000 liters of water. 一颗扔进自然界的电池,会污染三十万升水。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- For china-further integration into the global economy,and faster development toward a market economy. ·对中国-进一步融入世界经济,加快发展市场经济。
- Looking into the nature of our mind is the last thing we would dare to do. 探索自性,已成为我们最害怕的一件事。
- For china-further integration into the global economy, and faster development toward a market economy. ·对中国-进一步融入世界经济,加快发展市场经济。
- The Tokugawa shogunate until their integration into the formal establishment, into the most prosperous era. 而直到德川幕府将其纳入正式编制后,进入了最兴盛的年代。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- Colourful illustrations are integrated into the text. 这篇课文中插入了色彩丰富的插图。
- They soon became fully integrated into the local community. 他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
- The checker has been integrated into the Artemis-ARC system. 该检查器已应用于面向体系结构的服务集成开发平台Artemis-ARC系统中。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- Merit consists in seeing into the nature of affairs a very great deal farther than anybody else. 它的长处在于观察事情的真相远较任何人深刻。