- integration of Zhi and Xing 知行合一
- dichotomy of zhi and xing 知行两分
- Integration of ionic liquids and electrochemistry. 离子液体在电化学中的应用。
- His father is Li Zhi and his mother is Wang Lan. 他的父亲是李智,母亲王兰。
- Rare saber with iron hilt.Ask it's integration of hilt and blade? 铁柄的刀少见.;请问柄和刃是一体的吗?
- Integration of the Laoshan tea and Osmanthus all the advantages. 融合了桂花和崂山茶所有的优点。
- On the scroll, Cao Zhi and the Goddess appear many times. 在画卷中,曹植和洛水女神反复多次出现。
- Integration of new scenic objects. 综合了一些新的风景物品。
- The integrity of the judge is unquestioned. 这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。
- Each is an integration of several markets. 市场大楼由数个市场组成。
- Integration of Biol. Disciplines. 生物相关科目之整合认识。
- The integration of those constitutes a system to rectify abuses. 所有这些替代的组合,构成一个补偏救弊的系统。
- Data integrity of e-banking transactions, records, and information. 电子银行交易、记录、资料的数据完整性。
- The collapse of popular respect for the integrity of world leaders. 对世界领袖的正直无私的普通尊敬的瓦解
- It put the integrity of the Judiciary in jeopardy. 这会危害香港法院制度的完整性。
- He was good at li and xing calligraphy, but was especially expert in kai calligraphy. 他擅长隶、楷、行各体,尤以楷书影响最大。
- On the Integration of P. R. E. In Higher School into Lifelong P. E. 对高校体育与终身体育接轨问题的思考。
- Joint of this foot of Zhi of ill main drag in reachs gambrel, also but drag in knee joint. 本病主要累及跖趾关节及踝关节,也可累及膝关节。
- The real integration of Yangtze River Delta is not founded. 因此,长江三角洲并未实现真正的市场一体化。
- Xing, too, learned to play jackal to the tiger. Any time the old man wanted a dirty job done, he had only to give the order to Wang and Xing. 兴旺也学会了帮虎吃食,从此金旺他爹想要捆谁,就不用亲自动手,只要下个命令,自有金旺兴旺代办。