- With its integrative approach to theory, the paper also contributes to the attitudinal literature. 作者在本文中引用了大量的关于态度理论的文献。
- Newman, W.H., J.P.Logan and W.H.Hegarty, (1989), Strategy: A Multi-Level, Integrative Approach, South-Westen Co. 何明城;(民82);“以关键成功因素探讨服务传送系统之内涵”;国立政治大学企业管理研究所硕士论文.
- Detecon favors an integrative approach which closely ties the financial department to operative departments such as Sales, Service, and Technology. Detecon善于运用整合的解决方案,把财务部门和诸如销售、客服和技术等运营部门紧密地绑定在一起。
- This study from an integrative approach to find that thereare several dynamics models in the learning organization to be an integrativemanagement as system, learning, leadership and cultural perspectives simultaneously aspositive synergy. 本文从策略需要管理理论的假设,并引征经营案例,发现学习型组织可归类为一种集成管理理论,不仅具有原着以系统与学习为主轴的组织管理,而且应增列领导及文化的集成功能,形成为策略经营模式,且环环相扣,并具正向综效力量。
- Operational efficiency is achieved using essential packages of interventions delivered in an integrated approach. 通过以一种综合方法提供一揽子基本干预措施实现了实施效率。
- Not the least of Mr Blanning's achievements is his integrated approach to the entire continent. 布兰林先生这部作品最具成就的地方便是他对整个欧洲都进行了纵览全局的描述。
- Based on the isopleth maps, the reservoirs of three members are reviewed by using multiinformation integrated approach. 在这些等值线图的基础上,应用多种信息迭合评价法评价了3个层段的储层。
- She suggests a solution may lie in a better integrated approach to sering patients. 她提议解决这一矛盾的关键在于找到一个确保病人护理的折衷办法。
- James Leigland,Rosalind Thomas,2002,The Need for an Integrated Approach to Market-based Municipal Finance. 严谷军.;商业银行介入基础设施融资的业务创新思路[J]
- The prevalence of unauthorized building works in older buildings is also regarded as a constraint to the implementation of an integrated approach. 此外,旧楼普遍存有违例建筑工程,这亦被认为会对推行融合方式构成障碍。
- Accordingly, the company incorporates an integrated approach to issues of women and gender in all its development projects. 因此,该公司在其所有发展项目中对妇女和社会性别问题都采用了一种综合的方法。
- It encourages an integrated approach, with inclusion of environmental, social and economic considerations in the formulation of development projects. 它鼓励采用综合性的方法,在制定发展计划时对环境,社会和经济进行通盘考虑。
- Integrated approach for manual evaluation of peptides identified by searching protein sequence databases with tandem mass spectra. 质谱鉴定的质量,需要仔细的人工校正。但费时费力,而且校正结果依赖于专家经验。本文用自动的方法进行。
- Leo van den Berg, E. B. , and Winden, W. V.(2001) Growth Clusters in European Cities:An Integral Approach, Urban Studies, Vol.38, No.1, pp.185-205. 杨胜评(1997),制造业厂商区位调整行为模式之研究-台湾资讯电子业区位行为分析,国立台湾大学建筑与城乡研究所博士论文。
- Conran Design (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. committed to an integrated approach to Interior, commercial space design and construction. 是致力于室内装饰设计、商业空间、居住空间专业设计与制作、品牌整体策划为一体的专业设计服务公司。
- The strategy for Aedes control is an integrated approach incorporating case detection, source reduction, health education and law enforcement. 防治斑蚊的对策是综合性的工作、包括病例发现、孳生源清除、卫生教育及法律执行。
- Shell-Hornby,Mary.Translation studies:An Integrated Approach[M].Amsterdam/Piladelphia:John Benjamin publishing Company,1998/1995. 喻云根.;英美名著翻译比较[M]
- Belton, V. and Stewart, T. J., Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2002. 吴文龙,环境影响评估权重方法之研究发展,私立淡江大学水资源及环境工程研究所硕士论文,民国79年。
- The HFI Coaching Model is a cutting edge integrated approach to coaching focused on “Raising the Limits of Human Potential”. 人因国际教练模式是一种先进的综合教练方法,侧重于“提升人类潜能极限”。
- In meeting this goal, the Department adopts an integrated approach, putting equal emphasis on effective use of pesticides and continuous improvements in environmental hygiene. 为了对付危及公众衞生的虫鼠,本署采用综合防治方法:除使用有效的除害剂外,还不断改善环境衞生。