- integrin alphav 整合素αV
- Specifically, this requires the regulation of integrin activation by talin. 为了使大学的行政运作更加有序、有效,营造公正、公平、和谐的大学文化环境,有必要在原有各申诉委员会的基础上,成立一个校级的学术与行政申诉受理委员会,下设教师职务聘任、人事争议、学位授予、学籍管理等分委员会,成员应包括教授及学生代表,必要时可以公开听证的方式处理相关申诉。
- An adhesion complex in the cell links to integrin that extends outward. 可见细胞连向整联蛋白(8蓝色)的粘连复合物。
- An integrin, or integrin receptor, is an integral membrane protein in the plasma membrane of cells. 粘合素,或粘合素受体是细胞膜中一种必须的膜蛋白质。
- Conclusion:The infection efficiency of adenovirus is determined by the levels of CAR and integrin on cancer cells. 结论:肿瘤细胞表面CAR和整合素的表达水平决定了腺病毒对肿瘤细胞的感染效率。
- This occurs through a direct protein-protein interaction between talin and the integrin. 而且,这种情况又让职能部门背负了相当大的压力。
- Is it Essential of Fertilin and Integrin in the Process of Mammalian Sperm-egg Fusion? 受精素和整合素在哺乳动物精卵质膜融合过程中是必需的吗?
- To study association the serum leels and genotype of integrin and its recepter with stroke. 探讨整合素及受体基因型及血清水平与脑卒中的关系。
- The high expression of integrin in ectopic endometrium make the ectopic endometium easy to contact specifically with peritoneum and then adhere to each other. 整合素在异位内膜的高表达使得异位内膜易于与腹膜建立特异性接触并发生粘连。
- These results suggest that integrin beta1 subunit be important constituent receptor subunit for mediating HCC cell adhesion Col IV.? 上述结果表明,整合素beta1亚单位是联系HCC细胞与IV型胶原裱衬表面粘附的重要受体基础。
- Integrin signaling via RGD peptides and anti-[beta]1 antibodies confers resistance to apoptosis in Islets of Langerhans. 整合素信号经rgd肽与反[测试] 1抗体授予抗凋亡的胰岛。
- The majority of integrin signaling proceeds through focal adhesion kinase (FAK), an essential component of the focal adhesion complex. 大部分整合素的信号传导是通过一种灶性附着复合体的必需物质--灶性粘附激酶实现的。
- The structure,classification and activation of integrin, and the relation between integrin and graft rejection were summarized. 以下就该类分子的结构与分类、活化方式、与移植排斥反应关系作一综述。
- Integrin is an important receptor of cellular adhesion molecules,which mediates the adhesion between cell and cell or cell and extracellular matrix. 整合素是一类介导细胞与细胞外基质及细胞与细胞间黏附的细胞黏附分子受体。
- Integrin is an important cellular adhesion molecule,which mediates many biologic actions such as cell-cell adhesion or cell-extracellular matrix adhesion. 整合素是细胞表面重要的粘附分子,它在机体内具有重要的生物学作用。
- Objective The chronological and spatial changes in expression of integrin receptors of extracellular matrix were investigated for finding out their function during nephrogenesis. 目的观察细胞外基质的整合素受体在胚胎肾发育中表达的时空顺序,揭示其在胚胎肾发育中的作用。
- To investigate the relationship among integrin,inducing nitricoxide synthase(iNOS)and mast leukocyte(MC)for exploring their effects in the pathogenesis of nasal polyps. 结合国内、外近年来有关鼻息肉研究成果,研究整合素、诱导型一氧化氮合酶、肥大细胞与鼻息肉之间的关系。
- Integrin is transmembrane protein and related to cell and extra cellular mesenchymal (ECM) combining, cell adhering, complement binding and phagocytosis. 整合素是一种跨膜蛋白,它参与细胞和细胞外间质(ECM)的粘附。
- Integrin is an important adhesion molecule that mediates cell-cell and cell-extracellar matrix adhesion and participates in the adhesion and migration of lens epithelial cells. 摘要整合素是介导细胞与细胞间及细胞与细胞外基质相互作用的重要黏附分子,其可参与晶状体上皮细胞的黏附和移行。