- She was out and away the most intelligent student in the class. 她是班上最最聪明的学生。
- She is out and away the most intelligent student in the class. 她是班上最聪明的学生。
- The most intelligent students do additional reading to supplement the material in the textbook. 最聪明的学生用增加阅读量来补充课本的内容。
- "Serving intelligent students with learning differences" is the slogan of the Shelton School in Texas. “为学习能力各异的聪明学生提供服务”是德克萨斯州谢尔顿学校的口号。
- "Serving intelligent students with learning differences" is the slogan of the Shorten Shelton School in Texas. “服务差别学习的聪明学生”是得克萨斯州的谢尔顿学校的标语。
- The student gave an intelligent answer. 这个学生给出了一个聪明的回答。
- Serving intelligent students with learning differences is the slogan of Shawten Shelton in Texas. 为不同智力的学生提供服务是得克萨斯希尔顿学校的口号。
- Any objective observer and friend of the Chinese could never understrand why they are ever romanticized, and I have done research with hundreds of highly intelligent students in China. 任何客观的观察者和中国人的朋友,都从不明白为什么她们被浪漫化了,我对中国数以百计的高智商学生进行了研究。
- Serving intelligence intelligent students with learning differences is the slogan of the Shouten Shelton school in taxs Texas. '用不同的学习方式教育有能力的学生'是德克萨斯希尔顿学校的口号。
- The lazy student never do his homework on time. 这个懒惰的学生从没有按时做他的家庭作业。
- He has very sternly admonished student. 他十分严厉地训诫了学生。
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可说是个用功的学生。
- My teacher is as kind as (she is) intelligent. 我的老师不但善良而且聪慧。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
- I lived in a hostel while I was a student. 我求学期间住在青年招待所里。
- Someone as intelligent as you should go far. 像你这样聪明的人一定很有作为。
- My sister is always a studious student. 我妹妹一直是一个勤奋好学的学生。
- In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy. 就高度灵敏的动物而言,初级训练并不难。
- He is of a the most outstanding student. 他是一名最优秀的学生。
- Such a good student as he (is) will succeed. 像他这样的好学生一定会成功。