- Intelligent vehicle detector, based on the induction doughnut coil detecting principle, detects the information of vehicles traveling on the highways. 基于感应式环形线圈检测原理的智能车辆检测器检测公路上行驶的车辆信息。
- intelligent vehicle detector 智能车辆检测器
- A vehicle detector with an anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor was developed. 摘要研制了一种基于各向异性磁阻(AMR)传感器的车辆探测器。
- Application of GPS centralize diffierential in intelligent vehicle transport system. GPS集中差分技术在城市车辆智能交通管理中的应用。
- Lane recognition is the basic function that a visual intelligent vehicle guidance system must implement. 车道线识别是智能汽车视觉导航系统必须实现的基本功能。
- Intelligent vehicle control, including the initialization register with the output of the feature set. 智能车控制,包括寄存器的初始化与各个输出口的功能设置。
- The precision of count and speed test of inductive loop vehicle detector relates the veracity of traffic flux statistical result,which is verifiable key item. 环形线圈车辆检测器的计数精度和测速精度关系到交通流量统计结果的准确性,是计量检定的关键项目。
- An improved monocular vision method was proposed for intelligent vehicle to detect the preceding car in structural road environment. 提出了一个改进的单目视觉方法,用于智能车在结构化公路环境下准确检测和跟踪前方车辆。
- The design and implementation of hardware and software in an intelligent vehicle controller based on GPS/GSM are presented. 摘要研究一种基于GPS/GSM的智能车辆控制器的软硬件设计方案及其实现。
- Focusing on the throttle control system of intelligent vehicle,a model reference adaptive SN-PID controller is presented. 针对智能车辆油门控制系统,提出了一种单神经元模型参考自适应控制算法。
- Radar Vehicle Detector in Intelligent Traffic System 智能运输系统中的雷达车辆检测器
- This paper introduces the design and implementation of an Intelligent Vehicle Monitoring System,which is based on GPS/GLONASS system and GPRS networks. 本文介绍一种基于GPRS的智能车辆监控系统的软硬件设计方案及其实现。
- The studies both at home and abroad show that the CyberCars System has a good application prospect in local area transportation and is a hotspot in intelligent vehicle study. 国内外研究现状表明,区域智能交通车辆系统在区域交通中具有良好的应用前景,是智能车辆领域新的研究热点。
- Research of Moving Vehicle Detector in Toll-station 高速公路收费站行驶车辆检测器研制
- These technologies have provided the basis for this evolution and they can be combined with conventional transportation infrastructure to form Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS). 本世纪初,建造和制造技术上的革新使现在的交通运输系统成为了可能。
- Vehicle Detector Loop Wire Embedding Technology 环形线圈车辆检测器的埋设工艺
- A. Broggi, M. Bertozzi, A. Fascioli and M. Sechi, "Shape-based pedestrian detection," Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, vol. 3-5, 2000, pp.215-220. 白家荣,十字路口行人之侦测及追踪,硕士论文,国立台湾师范大学资讯教育研究所,台北,2001。
- pressure-sensitive vehicle detector 压感侦车器
- E.Dagan,O.Mano,G.P.Stein and A.Shashua,"Forward Collision Warning with a Single Camera ',in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,IV2004,Jun.,2004. 曾百由,廖永盛,叶志贤,黄立恭,'驾驶安全辅助系统之车道偏离警示',第十一届车辆工程学术研讨会,2006
- Vehicle Detector Data Acquisition System 飞行探测器数据收集系统