- In intensity of illumination admirable by day, any colorific turns are flat and trenchant, proper. 在照度极佳的白天,任何色彩的转折都是干脆而分明、恰到好处。
- Hue comes from spectrum, intensity of illumination comes from amplitude, chroma is some lubricious pure degree of saturation in hue. 色相源自光谱,照度源自波幅,彩度是色相中某色的纯净饱和度。
- The order was air temperature>intensity of illumination>air relative humidity when the water was adequate for P. orientalis. 侧柏在水分充足时,气象因子对水势的影响顺序是气温>光照强度>空气相对湿度;
- The light in the fan of coping of the bathroom below a lot of circumstances is actually darker, want difference than ideal intensity of illumination. 其实很多情况下浴室顶部的风机中的光线较暗,比理想照度要差。
- The problem of obtaining an adequate intensity of illumination for photography at extremely short exposure times is reduced with the image converter camera. 要在极短的爆光时间内获得足够的摄影照明光强的问题,可采用弯象管摄影机来解决。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- The lamplight on the desktop of feigned course of study wants bright, can use animal model desk lamp, but should notice to assure intensity of illumination. 做作业的桌面上的灯光要明亮,可用动物造型台灯,但要注重保证照度。
- The kitchen had better install two lamps, the suction with coping outfit taller intensity of illumination dome light, kitchen head upper part holds lantern of a local lighting. 厨房最好设置两盏灯,顶部装照度较高的吸顶灯,灶头上方装一个局部照明灯。
- Proceed from energy-conserving angle, utilize infrared device and intensity of illumination count and auxiliary circuit make up "classroom light systematic intellectual control" device far. 摘要从节能的角度出发,利用远红外装置和照度计(光电管)及辅助电路组成“教室照明系统的智能控制”装置。
- To test the indoor environment quantity of the cab: the testing item include the temperature, the relative humidity, the intensity of illumination, the wind velocity, CO, CO2, noise and vibrate. 内容与方法1.;机车驾驶室内环境质量监测:监测项目包括:温度、相对湿度、照度、风速、CO、CO2、噪声、振动8项。
- The play shows great intensity of feeling. 这出戏表现了强烈的感情。
- The poem shows great intensity of feeling. 这首诗表达了强烈的感情。
- intensity of illumination distribution 光照度分布
- Of a low intensity of color; light. 浅色的色彩强度低的; 淡的
- Burning intensity of feeling; ardor. 热情感情剧烈的燃烧; 热情
- Overall level of illumination inadequate. 整体上的照明水平不够。
- Passively increases the duration of illumination. 被动增加圣光的持续时间。
- Poor: Overall level of illumination inadequate. 差:整体上的照明水平不够。
- I was surprised by the intensity of his anxiety. 我对他的极度焦虑感到吃惊。
- Lack of illumination caused by an electrical power failure. 照明不足由电力缺乏引起的照明不足