- According to Chinese criminal law,when an affray results in serious injury or death,it is to be treated as intentional injury or murder. 根据刑法规定,在聚众斗殴致人重伤、死亡的情况下,按照故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪处理。
- Sohn tin, Chen Sheng, Cengmou 4, and other suspects were all arrested, which opened a "906" case of intentional injury death of the truth. 孙某钿、陈某生、曾某等4名犯罪嫌疑人全部落网,从而揭开了“906”故意伤害致死案的真相。
- Most of the underworld crimes in recent years are seeking quarrels,affray and intentional injury(short for the three kinds of crimes). 近年来,黑恶势力犯罪表现较多的就是寻衅滋事、聚众斗殴和故意伤害案件(简称“三类”案件)。
- China's official Xinhua news agency says the suspects were charged with either causing intentional injury or participating in a group brawl. 中国官方新华社报导,嫌犯不是被控造成蓄意伤害就是被控参与群体斗殴。
- Li, from Xuanwei, Yunnan, was sentenced to jail for 9 years in 2001 for robbery, intentional injury and vandalism, and was set free earlier for good conduct in 2006. 李彦,云南省宣威市人,曾在2001年因犯抢劫罪、故意伤害罪、故意毁坏财物罪,被判处有期徒刑9年,服刑期间表现良好,减刑后于2006年释放。
- WESTBANK crime of intentional injury 故意伤害罪
- A Probe on the Common Crime of Intentional Injury 试论共同故意伤害罪
- On the Crime of Intentional Injury 故意伤害罪探疑
- Causing death of another .by intentional injury 故意伤害致死
- On Determination of Intentional Injury Crime at Group Fisticuffs 群殴事件中故意伤害罪的认定问题
- Ponderation over the Aggravation of Intentional Injury 对故意伤害结果加重犯的思考
- Discussion on Controversial Issues of Intentional Injury Crime 故意伤害罪若干争议问题探讨
- Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable. 你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。
- She is intent on getting the job done quickly. 她决心尽快把这件事情做好。
- It was not just an accident; she did it of intent. 这不是一个真正的意外事故; 她是有意这样做的。
- He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies. 他一心想出国深造。
- He had a spinal injury in that accident. 他在那次事故中脊柱受了伤。
- The man was charged with intent to kill. 那人被指控蓄意谋杀罪。
- Our best player has been sidelined by injury. 我们的主力队员已因受伤而退出了比赛。
- She behaved foolishly but with good intent. 她的行为很蠢,但却是好意的。