- JINGQUAN LI,RIYAZ SILORA,MICHAEL J,GEK WOO TAN.A strategic analysis of inter organizational information sharing[J].Decision Support System,2006,42:251 -266. 石小法张丽清等.;信息对供应链的影响研究[J]
- The article starts from the history of SBM and then discusses SBM from organizational theory on a macro-scope. 本文从校本管理的历史脉络出发,运用组织理论从宏观上来讨论校本管理。
- Professor Gan Xifen is the founder of Chinese Communist Party organ theory system. 党报理论在我国经过80多年的发展,已经初步形成学说体系,甘惜分教授是我国党报理论体系的建构者。
- The variousness,complexity and containing in Barnard's Organizational Theory set up the master position for him in Organizational Theory. 巴纳德组织理论中的多样性、复杂性及包容性 ,使他成为了组织理论中的“韦伯”。
- The problem in oligarch competition is important in the researches of industrial organizational theory,and it is also the important research object in game theory. 寡头竞争问题是产业组织理论中研究的重要问题,也是博弈理论中最早研究的对象。
- Hosmer, L. T., “Trust: The Connecting Link Between Organizational Theory and Philosophical Ethics,” Academy of Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1995, 379-403. 黄泉源,大陆台商本土员工的组织承诺影响因素之研究,国立中山大学国际高阶经营管理学系硕士论文,民国九十年。
- Management: Principles of management, organization theory, behavioral science. 管理学:管理学原理、组织理论、行为学。
- Shafritz, J.M. & Ott, J.S.(2000), Classics of Organization Theory(5th ed.). 李再长译(民88),组织理论与管理,台北:华泰。
- There is a surge of research into Marxist organic theory in society. 社会上兴起了一股研究马克思有机体理论的热潮。
- More importantly, the debate on organizational theory paradigm shows that the new organizational discourse and thought have sped up the communications of new organizational paradigms. 更重要的是,组织理论范式的论战,显示了组织发展的新话语、思维,加快了组织理论新范式的传播。
- Information Resources Management(IRM),with its development of 30 years,has become an interdisciplinary discipline integrating information science,management science and organizational theory. 信息资源管理(IRM)经过30年的发展,已经成为融合信息科学、管理科学、组织理论等多学科理论的边缘学科。
- The conclusion offers suggestions on how positive scholarship could be reconfigured in light of the present critique and against the emancipatory ideas of critical organizational theory. 本文的结论中提出了一些关于如何根据现存的批评改进实证性理论的建议。
- Drawing on social movement and organizational theory, we explain how challenging parties not only mobilize to achieve their goals but how they are able to transform contestation into collaboration. 基于社会运动和组织理论,我们不仅解释了发起挑战的团体是如何动员起来以实现目标的,还解释了他们是如何将争论转变为合作的。
- Effects of the Rise of Neo-Industrial Organization Theory on the Anti-Trust Policies in the U.S. 新产业组织理论的兴起对美国反托拉斯政策的影响。
- This article uses the classical SCP model in the industrial organization theory to analyze the question above raised. 本文使用产业组织理论中经典的SCP范式来分析以上所提的问题。
- The game theory is the latest achievement in microeconomics, and one of the important research approaches of the modern industrial organization theory. 博弈论是微观经济学中的最新成果,也是现代产业组织理论重要的研究方法之一。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- Auguste Comte explained his methodology,the moral concept of ethics and religious view under his positivism and system of the social organism theory. 孔德是在其实证主义和社会有机体理论的体系下阐述他的方法论、伦理道德观和宗教观的。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。