- It is found that at room temperature, the product of Al-GaAs(100) interface reaction is AlAs. 结果判定了室温下Al-GaAs(100)界面生成的为AlAs。
- The paper relates to the study of interface reaction and reaction products between WCp and Fe?Ni steel matrix. The effect of WCp size on interface morphology was investigated. 研究了离心铸造条件下,WCp与Fe-Ni钢基体之间的界面反应及反应产物,考察了WCp尺寸对界面形态的影响。
- D. X. Li , D. H. Ping, X. G. Ning and H. Q. Ye: Fine structure of both interface and products of interface reaction, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 28 (1992), A283-300. 李斗星,平德海,宁小光,叶恒强:界面精细结构与界面反应产物结构,金属学报,28(1992),A283-300。
- K7[CrCa(OH2)W11O39] was synthesized by a direct method and thermal diffusing permeation of Gd to the sample was studied with the solid-gas interface reaction. 经我们的研究证明[9-14],采用稀土热扩渗的方法,不仅提高了样品的稳定性,而且其导电能力显著提高,扩大了应用范围。
- Abstract: The interface microstructures of soldered joints under different soldering techniques were observed and analyzed.The interface reaction during soldering was studied. 摘 要: 观察了不同焊接工艺条件下钎焊接头界面的微观结构,并对钎焊过程中的界面反应进行分析。
- If we can pie-immobilize sonic osterblast-favouite bioactive factors on theimplant surface, then we can make the interface reaction under control, and, thebioactivity of the materials will be improved to a new level. 将促进成骨细胞附着和功能表达的活性因子预先固定在材料表面,对表面生物反应进行有效控制,这样就可以对种植体-骨组织结合界面进行特异性调控,提高材料的生物活性。
- The results show that the SiCp/Al composites with high compactness can be prepared by re-hot pressing due to effectively controlling the severe harmful interface reaction in rapid heating. 结果表明,二次热压变形法能有效抑制剧烈的界面反应,得到高致密的SiCp/Al复合材料。
- Most of the interfaces between ZrO2 and Ni components in the FGM are directly connected and no interface reaction has been detected. 结果表明,组元Ni和ZrO_2,以直接结合为主,无明显界面反应。
- It is shown that the interfacial reaction in SCS 6 SiC/TiAl is not as severe as it is in SCS 6 SiC/Ti3Al. 研究表明,由于TiAl中原子结合力较强,因而SCS-6SiC/TiAl复合材料的界面反应较轻。
- WC are dispersing well in liquid steel due to its interfacial reaction and wettable with li... 刚玉与钢液不润湿,分散不好,且引起颗粒脱落。
- Pairs of electron and hole are produced when nano-sized semiconductor is irradiated by UV, which catalyzes interface reactions including polymerization. 激发纳米半导体产生电子和空穴,催化表面化学反应。
- The effect of metalceramic shell interface reactions on surfaceroughness and the defects of burn on sand in investment casting are discussed in this paper. 讨论金属与型壳界面作用对精铸件表面粗糙度和粘砂缺陷的影响。
- The equation of the peak current for a quasi-reversible interfacial reaction in oscillopolarography was discussed. The equation has been verified. 本文讨论了吸附物在滴汞电极上的准可逆表面反应示波极谱峰电流表达式,并进行了实验验证。
- Hu J, Fei W D, Li C, et al. Interfacial reaction in alumina borate whisker reinforced aluminium composite [J]. J Mater Sci Lett, 1994, 12(2):1797. 丁冬雁;张文龙;王德尊;姚忠凯.;硼酸铝晶须增强6061铝复合材料的界面改性[J]
- We studied the interfacial reaction kinetics.Firstly, rheometry has been used to monitor the interfacial reaction of SMA/PA and PS/PA6. 首先用流变学方法研究了SMA/PA6体系界面反应的流变学性质,与不相容共混体系PS/PA6比较,PS/PA6体系的复合粘度(h*)随反应时间几乎保持不变,而SMA/PA6体系的复合粘度(h*)随反应时间明显增加,这一过程可以划分为三个阶段,在第一阶段,复合粘度(h*)随反应时间增加很快,表明了一个较快的界面反应。
- The results show that to enhance the interfacial reaction by radiation is an effective method for improving the interfacial adhesion between th... 结果表明,辐射增强界面反应方法是改善不相容聚合物共混物界面粘接的有效途径。
- Temperature variation of solder droplet, interfacial reaction between molten SnPb droplet and Au/Ni/Cu pad were investigated. 结果表明:对钎料熔滴到达焊盘瞬时的接触温度,熔滴初始温度是其主要影响因素,而高度变化对其影响不大。
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能问一下您对这个政策的反应吗?
- The interfacial reaction in SiC/(B_4C+C)/Ti-153 composite were studied by thermodynamic calculation and reaction products were analysised by EDX and XRD. 对带(B4C+C)涂层的S iC纤维增强Ti-153复合材料的界面反应进行热力学分析,并对界面反应层做能谱成分分析及X-射线衍射结构分析。
- Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface? 你能给我解释一下人机接口吗?