- The "interference in politics" of Qi aristocratic women can be classified into three aspects: striving for their sons, scrabbling for status for their inamoratos, and covering up cuckoldry behaviors. 齐国贵妇的“乱政”行为,可以归为为爱子争立、为情人争位、为掩盖私通而“乱政”三大类。
- It is impermissible to interfere in politics in the name of religion. 这句话的实际含义是,不得以宗教的名义来干预政治。
- I resented his interference in my affairs. 我很不满他干预我的私事。
- He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。
- The old man decided not to mix in politics. 那位老人决定不参与政治。
- He is not interested in politics. 他不喜欢政治。
- He took a flier in politics soon after getting his degree. 取得学位后不久,他就从事政治投机活动。
- That party hack is just in politics for the money. 那位政客从政的目的只是为了钱。
- The army has always called the turn in politics there. 在那地方,军人总是左右着政治。
- I take a lively interest in politics. 我对政治有很浓厚的兴趣
- Nor did it mean interference in creation by souls. 这也不意味着干涉灵魂的创造。
- In politics there is too much talk and not enough action. 在政治方面向来是说得多做得少。
- I dislike my mother's interfering in the affair. 我不喜欢母亲介入这件事。
- At the end of his career in politics, he retired and wrote his memoirs. 他的从政生涯一结束便隐退写起了自己的回忆录。
- I resented his interference in my affairs . 他的经济状况很糟。
- I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs. 我总是尽量不干涉你的事情。
- No matter what we talk about, Jim drags in politics. 无论我们谈什么,吉姆总要插嘴谈及政治。
- After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out. 他从政三十年之后,终于决定退出政坛。
- Don't interfere in matters that do not concern you! 不要干预与你无关的事!
- Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you. 别管与自己无关的事。