- There are two things must be done .the one is the central government must make systematic policy to precaution corruption, the other is the internal institution must be consummated. 以此得出结论:针对当前普遍关注的腐败问题,应在完善国家宏观政策的同时加强组织内部对政府官员尤其是决策者的约束。
- International Institute for Surface Transportation. 国际路面运输政策研究所。
- THEA LEE: The truth is that the business community has very good access to the international institution and to their own governments. 事实是,商业社团很容易接触到国际机构以及它们本国的政府。
- To oversee the exchange of currency, the delegates at Bretton Woods created an international institution known as the International Monetary Fund. 为了监督货币兑换,布雷顿森林会议的代表们建立了一个被称为国际货币基金组织的国际性机构。
- The vitals of the issue is to answer the question of which how to operate international institution in the interdependent world. 可以说,该书的核心在于回答在相互依赖的世界上国际制度是如何运作的。
- The number of leadership positions in the agency and that of the internal institutions at the departmental level. 机构领导职数和司级内设机构领导职数。
- The last part is a conclusion summarizing viewpoints of the thesis and the relationship between China and the international institution of RHR. 最后一部分是整篇文章的结论部分,将把本文对宗教人权的观点作一个总结,并将略论宗教人权国际制度与我国的关系。
- Part II defines the conception of the international institution of RHR and some related conceptions.It also lays down an analytical framework. 第二部分将对宗教人权的定义和相关概念进行理论上的界定和梳理,并将界定本文的主要分析框架。
- So far as yet, there does not exist an authoritative international institution or a world-wide international treaty making the parallel litigation clearer. 虽然,迄今为止,尚不存在一个权威性的国际机构或全球性的国际条约对平行诉讼问题明确化,规范化。
- International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth. 哈勒姆国际商务学院。
- CGU is a leading international institutional investor. 商联是一家领先的国际性机构投资者。
- What was required was cooperation on a previously unattempted scale by all nations in establishing an innovative monetary system and an international institution to monitor it. 货币汇兑在仍然实行金本位制的国家与那些不实行金本位制的国家之间变得非常困难。
- The administrative agencies of the State Council and their internal institutions at the departmental level shall not alter their titles without authorization. 国务院行政机构及其司级内设机构不得擅自变更名称。
- A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。
- Women's History at the International Institute of Social History Site Index. 搜集了一些妇女史论文目录和网站。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- Marriage is an institution in most societies. 婚姻是大多数社会早已确立的制度。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- Establish a supervision and management system concerning social security funds through a combination of administrative supervision,social supervision and internal institutional control. 建立行政监督、社会监督和机构内部控制相结合的社会保障基金监管体系。
- The number of leadership positions in internal institutions at the divisional level of administrative agencies of the State Council shall, according to the provisions stipulated by the State, be determined. 国务院行政机构的处级内设机构的领导职数,按照国家有关规定确定。