- The SOFTWARE is protected by Japanese copyright law and international copyright laws and treaties. 本"软件"受日本版权法以及国际版权法和条约的保护。
- The disparity was made all the worse by the absence of an adequate international copyright. 由于各国之间没有合用的版权法,情况就更糟了。
- In extreme secrecy from the public, the United States is hammering out an International Copyright Treaty... 在对公众极端保密的情况下,美国正在与其他几个国家和欧盟苦心推敲...
- The State Copyright Administration shall be responsible for the implementation of international copyright treaties in China. 国家版权局负责国际著作权条约在中国的实施。
- Where these Provisions conflict with the international copyright treaties, the international copyright treaties shall apply. 本规定与国际著作权条约有不同规定的,适用国际著作权条约。
- Article 9 Foreign video recordings shall be protected as cinematographic works to the extent that international copyright treaties treat them as such works. 第九条 外国录像制品根据国际著作权条约构成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护。
- Article 9.Foreign video recordings shall be protected as cinematographic works to the extent that international copyright treaties treat them as such works. 第九条外国录像制品根据国际著作权条约成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护。
- On September 25,1992 the State Council promulgated the Regulations on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaty,providing specific regulations on protecting foreign authors'copyrights in accordance with the international treaty. 国务院于1992年9月25日颁布了《实施国际著作权条约的规定》,对保护外国作品著作权人依国际条约享有的权利作了具体规定。
- Depriving the quintessence of international copyright, combining the advanced and successful principle of Trends Magazines, CosmoGirl has the completely new contents young ladies care about. 汲取国际版的神髓,结合《时尚》集团成功先进的办刊理念,《娇点》全新制作年轻女性关心的内容。
- This change has prompted copyright laws to make necessary adjustments inaccordance with the digitization of the Internet. The Berne Convention is the earliest andmost important international copyright convention. 与著作权有关的国际公约有伯尔尼公约(The Berne Convention),是国际间最早而且是最重要的著作权公约。
- At present,many successful fashion periodicals rely on the international copyright cooperation. These periodicals embody a rich internationalization color from the content to the format design. 目前,我国成功的时尚期刊大都依赖国际版权合作,从内容到版式设计都体现出浓郁的国际化色彩。
- International Copyright and Neighbouring Rights 国际版权和相邻权
- international copyright protection 国际版权保护
- International Copyright Convention 国际著作权公约
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司。
- It is a report on the international situation. 这是一篇有关国际形势的报告。