- Regal Hotels International reserves the right to make the final decision. 富豪国际酒店集团保留最终决定权。
- In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice. 面对国际储备的严重危机,政府实施了两次货币贬值。
- Swiss Airlines, International Reservations. 瑞士航空公司,国际航班订票处。
- The three balances we have described are poor measures of the pressures on the international reserves held by the U.S. government. 我们以上所描述的三个差额是对美国政府持有的国际储备压力状况的粗略计算。
- This was reflected in net private capital inflow and increased international reserves, which are beneficial for the long-term growth of Hong Kong. 另一方面,私营机构资金流入则有显著顺差而国际储备则有持续增长。这情况有利香港长远经济增长。
- Even excluding China and Singapore, Figure 13 shows the enormous rise in international reserves at Asian central banks. So far, so good. 即使排除中国和新加坡,图13仍显示出亚洲中央银行的国际储备迅猛上升。到现在为止,情况一直不错。
- Part of that lopsidedness was the huge pile of international reserves emerging countries built up during the boom on the back of strong exports. 全球金融的失衡部分是由于新兴国家在繁荣时期依靠发达的出口而累积了大量外汇储备。
- Emil M Classen: The Optimizing Approach to the Demand for International Reserves[J].WeltvvirtschaftlichesArchiv,1974(3). 者贵昌.;中国国际储备的分析与研究[J]
- These methods are establishing a unified reserves system, redistributing the SDR, and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。
- After all, China is now sitting on a mountain of Dollars 800bn in international reserves and is adding to it at a mind-boggling rate of Dollars 250bn a year. 毕竟,中国现在坐拥8000亿美元外汇储备,并正以令人难以置信的、每年2500亿美元的速度增长。
- International reserve holdings - Are financial centres different? 持有国际储备的模式金融中心有什么不同?
- These data are published monthly in the Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity in accordance with the International Monetary Funds Special Data Dissemination Standard. 金管局按照国际货币基金组织的公布数据特殊标准制定的国际储备及外汇流动性数据范本,每月公布这些数据。
- International financial crises in recent years have underscored the importance of disseminating additional information on countries international reserves and foreign currency liquidity. 近几年发生的国际金融危机突显了各国公布更多有关国际储备及外汇流动性资料的重要性。
- The International Reserves constitute the official currency reserves of Hong Kong and the analytical accounts of the central bank comprise specifically prescribed balance sheet data. 国际储备数据是指香港的官方外汇储备,中央银行分析帐目是指资产负债表内的指定数据。
- Financing from internal reserves and from extemal reserves are twobasic ways for an enterprise to accumulate fonds. 企业融资有内部融资和外部融资两种方式,内部融资主要是内部留存利润,外部融资主要是股权融资和债务融资。
- SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF to supplement existing reserves. 注:是国际货币基金组织设立的国际储备资产,以补充现有储备。
- We bought [the initial 39.2% stake in Aker Yards] solely with internal reserves of STX Offshore &Shipbuilding and STX Engine. 我们完全用世腾海洋造船公司(STXOffshore&Shipbuilding)及世腾引擎公司(STXEngine)的内部储备金收购(最初的阿克尔船厂39.;2%25的股份)。
- And in the case of the purchase of STX Offshore &Shipbuilding, we had 50 billion won of internal reserves and issued 77 billion won in asset-backed securities. 在收购世腾海洋造船公司(STXOffshore&Shipbuilding)的时候,我们用了500亿韩圆的内部储备资金,并发行了770亿韩圆的资产抵押债券。
- SDR is the IMF as the center and use of international financial cooperation in the form of the creation of the new international reserve assets. 特别提款权是以国际货币基金组织为中心,利用国际金融合作的形式而创设的新的国际储备资产。
- China's search for an alternative international reserve currency is touched with irony: the drug pusher is pushing the addict to reform itself. 中国对一种替代性国际储备货币的追求颇具讽刺意味:贩毒的倒敦促起吸毒的来了,要其洗心革面。