- international settlement way 国际贸易结算方式
- Practice of international settlement II. 国际结算实务2。
- Theory and practices of international settlement II. 国际结算理论与实务2。
- International settlement and foreign trade documents II. 国际结算与外贸单证2。
- What are the tools of receipts and payments in international settlement? 国际结算的支付工具有哪些?
- A practical course of international settlement and trade finance II. 国际结算与贸易融资实践教程2。
- Recombine financial orgnaization, aggrandizement is superintended effectively, just be truly effective settlement way. 重组金融机构,强化有效监管,才是真正有效的解决途径。
- But, the difficulty that we cannot decide with the property of these two problems and diagnostic place is evadable and do not seek settlement way. 但是,我们不能以这两个问题的性质与特征所决定的难度为托词而不寻求解决的途径。
- In reality equalitarianism allocation thought did not eradicate, the article stresses the germ that studies it, harm and settlement way. 在现实中平均主义分配思想并未根除,本文着重研究它的根源、危害与解决的途径。
- Eradicative and corrupt, settlement way is " from go up at all solve problem of world outlook, philosophy, viewpoint of value " . 根除腐败,解决的办法就是“从根本上解决世界观、人生观、价值观问题”。
- Paris Peace Conference (1919-20) Meeting that inaugurated the international settlement after World War I. 巴黎和会--第一次世界大战结束后召开的会议,以解决国际问题。
- As space of our country city and dimensions patulous, among them problem and contradiction are highlighted increasingly, settlement way is innovating at system. 随着我国城市空间和规模的扩展 ,其中的问题与矛盾日益凸显 ,解决的途径在于体制创新。
- Harold Giedt went to school in Shanghai's International Settlement, home to many Americans and British. 哈罗德.;希德特在有很多美国和英国人居住的上海公共租界内上学。
- Settlement way actually very simple, need to will wash clothes only with soft it is OK that 100 leaves shop flag obscures, similar but curly curtain or cloth are OK also. 解决的办法其实很简单,只需要将洗衣间用一个软百叶帘遮住就可以了,类似的可卷曲的帘子或布也可以。
- FCI established in 1968, makes the business of this international settlement have one's own operation orders. 1968年成立的FCI,使这项国际结算业务有了自己的运作秩序。
- International settlement plays an important role in international trade but its risk can also bring substantial losses to both parties. 摘要国际贸易中,国际结算在发挥巨大作用的同时,也因其风险可能会给交易双方带来巨大的损失。
- Before the establishment of the new China, Shanghai had what were called the International Settlement and the French Settlement. 新中国成立前,上海拥有公共租界和法租界。这是些从本质上来说,不受中国法律管辖的特殊地区。
- Settlement way: Take advantage of an opportunity and move, the housetop of brae suits to do a bedroom, if return a word that has inclined window,have the scene like fairy tale more. 解决之道:顺势而动,斜坡的屋顶适合做卧室,假如还开有斜窗的话就更具有童话般的情景了。
- About exhaust emission problem, the author thinks settlement way does not depend on be fond of the electric car of development currently.And should with a view to " car of hydrogenous fuel cell " . 关于废气排放问题,作者认为解决的途径不在于当前热衷研制的电动汽车.而应着眼于“氢燃料电池汽车”。
- According to the Bank of International Settlement's Annual Report,over US$100 billion of short term capital entered Asia - and this excludes China and Japan - in the 12 months prior to 2 July 1997 when the Thai baht was allowed to float. 国际结算银行的年报指出,在一九九七年七月二日泰铢自由浮动前的十二个月内,超过1,000亿美元的短期资金流入亚洲(不包括中国和日本)。