- With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important. 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。
- Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage. 德国在国际政治舞台上起着主导作用。
- "You see it on the international stage and the club stage every week. “你可以在一周内看到他在国家队还有俱乐部的表演。
- Every four years, only the best of the best shine on this international stage. 每四年,只有最顶尖的运动员能在这个国际舞台上绽放光芒。
- The emergence of the SCO at the international stage will undoubtedly arise the extensive concern of the international community. “上海合作组织”以什么样的形象登上国际舞台,无疑会引起国际社会的普遍关注。
- Yansong Ma, born 1970s and pretty young still, has already stepped onto the international stage of the industry. 马岩松这位70年代出生的建筑师虽然年轻,已经踏进国际建筑舞台。
- The supposedly federalist government of Premier Jean Charest is pushing for a bigger role on the international stage. 人们公认的、反魁独的、现任魁省省长JeanCharest却努力地推动魁北克在国际舞台上扮演更重要的角色。
- As a nation state, the Polynesian island also has a vote on the international stage through the UN. 作为一个民族国家,联合国成员国波利尼西亚在国际舞台上也拥有自己的投票权。
- There are few cities of Geneva's size that have played such an important role on the international stage. 很少像日内瓦这种规模的城市能够在国际舞台上扮演着一个如此重要的角色。
- In the time of globalization a lawyer who is illiterate of English is just like a stammer at the international stage. 其中希望能够使用英语顺畅地和国外客户、同行进行交流的人自非小数。
- The overall strength of the developing countries is growing,and they are becoming an important force on the international stage. 发展中国家总体实力增强,正在成为国际舞台上的一支重要力量。
- More and more Chinese actors and actresses achieved international stardom and exerted greater influence on the international stage. 越来越多的中国演员成为国际影星,并在国际舞台上发挥了更大的影响力。
- The Peckham-born player was also voted into the PFA's Premier League Team of the Season and he took his club form into the international stage. 这名出生在Peckham的球员也被提名赛季最佳阵容。他成功地将俱乐部的良好表现带到国家队。
- Hosting the Olympics and the Paralympics is a source of national pride for China and a way to showcase the country on the international stage. 主办奥运会和残奥会是中国增强人民国家荣誉感的源泉之一,也是中国在世界的舞台上展示自己的实力的机会。
- Manchester City boss Mark Hughes is ready to offload the 20-year-old defender, who burst on to the international stage two years ago. 理查兹在两年前已经表现出惊人的潜力,曼城主帅马克休斯准备将这名20岁的后卫排除出队伍名单。
- With such an impressive start on the international stage behind him, it comes as no surprise that Samp are anxious to keep hold of the in-form hitman. 就是因为奎格里雷拉在国家队的处女赛有出色的发挥;所以桑普多利亚想尽力留下他.;桑普多利亚的发言人说:"无论如何;我们想挽留奎格里雷拉
- Barack and Michelle Obama's fairytale love story of an adoring couple propelled on to the international stage has caught the imagination of millions. 这对置身国际舞台,让人仰慕的奥巴马夫妇,令无数人幻想他们童话般的爱恋故事。
- Ten years ago China had it all: a well-nourished workforce, vast reserves of paper money, a new swagger on the international stage. 十年前,中国还拥有一切有利条件:健康的劳动大军;庞大的资金储备;重登国际舞台的扬眉吐气。
- Rodriguez arrives at Anfield boasting a wealth of experience from playing in La Liga as well as on the international stage with Argentina. 罗德里格斯在西甲和代表阿根廷国家队效力期间获得了非常丰富的球场经验。
- Terry is puzzled as to why England have underachieved in recent years, but maintains that the players are good enough to be successful on the international stage. 特里对英格兰队在过去几年战绩不佳的原因并没有答案,但他坚持认为这些球员足以在国际舞台上赢得胜利。