- This will help both in China's struggle to achieve the four modernizations and in the international struggle against hegemonism. 这一点,对于我们实现四个现代化,对于加强国际反霸斗争,都是有利的。
- There are many aspects of the international struggle that demand attention and there is also a lot to do domestically,especially to raise the level of the economy. 国际方面的斗争,事情很多。国内也有许多事情要做,特别是要把国民经济搞上去。
- There are many aspects of the international struggle that demand attention and there is also a lot to do domestically, especially to raise the level of the economy. 国际方面的斗争,事情很多。国内也有许多事情要做,特别是要把国民经济搞上去。
- The victory in our counter-attack waged in self-defence on Viet Nam has immensely heightened China's prestige in the international struggle against hegemonism as well as the prestige of the army among our own people. 我国对越南自卫还击战的胜利,大大提高了我国在国际反霸权主义斗争中的威望,也大大提高了人民解放军在全国人民中的威望。
- Applying Comrade Mao Zedong's strategy of differentiating the three worlds and following his line in foreign affairs,we can contribute our share to the international struggle against hegemonism. 因为我们有毛泽东同志的关于划分三个世界的战略和外交路线,可以搞好国际的反霸斗争。
- China needs our Party to accomplish modernization.Similarly,China's prominent position in the international struggle against hegemonism and for human progress presupposes the existence of our Party. 中国现代化建设需要我们的党,中国在国际反霸权主义斗争和争取人类进步事业中的重要地位,需要我们党。
- This dictatorship is an internal struggle and in some cases an international struggle as well;in fact,the two aspects are inseparable. 这种专政是国内斗争,有些同时也是国际斗争,两者实际上是不可分的。
- This dictatorship is an internal struggle and in some cases an international struggle as well;in fact, the two aspects are inseparable. 这种专政是国内斗争,有些同时也是国际斗争,两者实际上是不可分的。
- Applying Comrade Mao Zedong's strategy of differentiating the three worlds and following his line in foreign affairs, we can contribute our share to the international struggle against hegemonism. 因为我们有毛泽东同志的关于划分三个世界的战略和外交路线,可以搞好国际的反霸斗争。
- Lucy could see in Mother's face an internal struggle between concern and discretion. 露西从妈妈的面部表情看出她内心深处“关怀”和“谨慎”之间的矛盾。
- The deprivation of such internal struggle will make human being degenerate into the only animal having natural desire as Bakhtin's theory of body. 颠覆过度,建构阙如,最终如巴赫金所说的单纯“性”的躯体将丧失完整的躯体存在,沦于“欲望躯体”的行列。
- In the reign of Henry VIII, the aristocracy's economic strength is enhanced, which in subsequent Tudor internal struggle laid the foundation for the economy. 在亨利八世在位期间,贵族的经济实力得以加强,这为他们在其后的都铎王朝进行内部斗争奠定了经济基础。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司。
- It is a report on the international situation. 这是一篇有关国际形势的报告。
- I think international calls are very expensive. 我认为国际电话费用很高。
- He majored in international commerce in college. 他大学时的专业是国际贸易。