- International Telephone Service. 早上好,这里是国际电话台。
- I talked to him on the internal telephone. 我在内部电话上与他交谈。
- Letters may be cheaper than international telephone calls and telex messages. 费用而言,信件比越洋电话和电报都便宜。
- He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone. 他正在内线电话上与汤姆交谈。
- The company was also equipped with communication facilities for example international telephone and fax. 号,交通十分便利。有国际电话及传真机等通讯设施。
- The international access code consists of the digits that are used to access international telephone numbers. 国际接入编码由用于访问国际电话号码的数字组成。
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., Reference Data for Radio Engineers, 6th Ed. Howard W. Sams Co., Inc. 吴政哲;”微波介电陶瓷材料之研制与应用”;国立成功大学电机工程系硕士论文;2000.
- You can talk to him in detail on the internal telephone. 你可以在内部电话上与他详细谈谈。
- The following example creates two additional alias data types, telephone and fax, for both domestic and international telephone and fax numbers. 以下示例为国内及国际电话和传真号码另外创建两个别名数据类型,分别为telephone和fax。
- Called Subscriber Identification. Optional signal used to provide the specific identity of the called subscriber by its international telephone number. 拨入用户识别。通过唯一的手机号码来识别拨入用户的可选信号。
- Western Union, International Telephone and Telegraph (I.T.T.), and Radio Corporation of America (R.C.A.) are the largest companies. 西方联盟电报公司、国际电话电报公司(简称I.T.T.;)和美国无线电公司(简称R.C.A.)是最大的电报公司。
- World's first international telephone call takes place between St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, and Calais, Maine, USA. 1881年的今天,世界上第一个国际长途电路在加拿大新不伦瑞克和美国的缅因州间通话。
- Term used in G.165, "General Characteristics of International Telephone Connections and International Telephone Circuits: Echo Cancellers. 165标准中使用的术语。“国际电话连接和国际电话线路的通用特性:回声消除。”
- On June 28,1965,INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe. 1965年6月28日;国际电信同盟1开始提供240个商务国际电话频道和美国与欧洲间的电视转播.
- Desperate to keep his creditors at bay, he sought to arrange the merger of one of his companies, the Ericsson telecoms group, with America's International Telephone &Telegraph. 由于无法躲避他的债主,他不得不安排了自己的一家公司,爱立信电信集团和美国国际电讯公司合并。
- If you do not have a mobile phone and you wish to make local or international telephone calls, or send e-mails from your homestay, you must pay for the calls. 如果没有移动电话,要使用住宿家庭的电话或发电子邮件,都必须自己付费。
- CTI originates from City Telecom Incorporation (Canada) which is the first Chinese-owned company authorised by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission to run the international telephone services in Canada. CTI 始 创 于 加 拿 大 城 市 电 讯 有 限 公 司 (CITI),而 该 母 公司 亦 为 首 间 由 加 拿 大 电 讯 局 批 准 于 加 拿 大 成 立 的 华 人 经营长 途 电 话 公 司 。
- A subscriber can use Outlook Voice Access when they access the Unified Messaging system from an external or internal telephone. 订阅者从外部或内部电话访问统一消息系统时,可以使用Outlook Voice Access。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。