- Whois: See who owns an Internet address. 立即注册成为酷辣虫会员,查看完整版本!
- Possible solutions Check the spelling of the Internet address. 如果要解决请选择,并拼写出网络地址。
- Click Internet Address, and then navigate to the site in your Web browser. 单击“Internet地址”,然后在Web浏览器中导航到该网站。
- This is a series of four numbers which identifies the Internet address from which you are contacting the wiki. 这是一串4组用来识别您与维基发生联系的互联网地址的数字。
- You can also enter the Internet address, known as the URL, of an RSS feed directly in Outlook. 还可以直接在Outlook中输入RSS源的Internet地址(也称为URL)。
- The Internet address (URL) for an FTP server looks slightly different from the URL you use for a typical Web page. FTP 服务器的 Internet 地址 (url) 与通常在网页页中使用的 url 略有不同。
- If you configured Exchange to use DNS for outbound mail and your DNS server can resolve Internet address, proceed to Step 23. 如果将Exchange配置为使用DNS发送出站邮件,并且DNS服务器可以解析Internet地址,请继续执行步骤23。
- All Internet addresses follow the standard format: userid@ domain . 所有因特网地址,都遵循下述准格式:userid domain。
- Only the domain name from which you access the Internet, the Internet address and the date and time you access our web sites are logged. 我们只记录您的Internet域名、Internet地址以及您访问我们网站的日期和时间。
- Domain is a collection of associated computers on the Internet , given a specific domain name that is used as a part of the Internet address. 域是指因特网上一组有联系的计算机,给予一个特有的域名,用来表明是因特网网址的一个组成部分。
- Domian is a collection of associated computers on the Internet, given a specific domain name that is used as a part of the Internet address. 域是指因特网上一组有联系的计算机,给予一个特有的域名,用来表明是因特网网址的一个组成部分。
- The Router Internet Address field in the ICMP redirect is the IP address that should be used as the default gateway for a particular network. 在ICMP重新导向的路由器网际网路位址栏位,是为一个特定网路使用来当作预设闸道器的IP位址。
- Hyperlinks that are embedded in a Web page provide a quick link to another location on the same page or a different Internet address. 插入在网页内的超链结提供一个快速链结到同一网页的其他位置或不同网际网路位址。
- To link to a Web site, for Address, type the Web site's URL, or click Browse, choose Internet Address, and then navigate to the site in your default Web browser. 要链接到网站,请在“地址”中键入网站的URL;或者单击“浏览”,选择“Internet地址”,然后浏览到默认Web浏览器中的站点。
- Notice in this example that resting the pointer on the link in an Outlook message reveals another numeric Internet address in the box with the yellow background. 请注意,此示例将鼠标指针放在Outlook邮件中的链接上之后,在具有黄色背景的框中显示其他数字Internet地址。
- Notice in this example using Outlook that resting the pointer on the link reveals another numeric Internet address in the box with the yellow background. 请注意,在使用Outlook的此示例中,将鼠标指针放在该链接上后,在以黄色为背景的框中显示了一个真实地址。
- As President Obama loses ground in the debate on overhauling health care, he is using his weekly Internet address to challenge what he calls "phony claims" by his critics. 奥巴马总统在关于改革医保系统的辩论中处于失利地位,他利用自己每周因特网讲话的机会向他所谓反对者的‘不实指称’提出挑战。
- Speaking ahead of next week's G20 summit in Pittsburgh, President Barack Obama says in his weekly radio and Internet address that the global financial system is stabilizing. 贝拉克奥巴马总统在下周匹兹堡G20峰会前发表讲话,他在每周广播演讲和网络演说中说,世界经济体系已经稳定。
- Each person is actually use the same computer, the one in the closet, these users access the Internet by logging in to the time-sharing system that provides Internet access, thus, they all share one computer that has a single Internet address. 所有用户访问因特网,都要靠进入可以提供对因特网访问的分时系统,因此,这些用户共享只有一个因特网地址的同一台计算机。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。