- When upper internode elongating, sd-I was the most sensitive to GA3,sd-g was GA3-insensitive. 水稻上部节间伸长期,sd-1对GA_3强敏感(株高增率在20%25以上),sd-g对GA_3不敏感。
- It was unsuitable to apply RDI after elongation stage. 抽雄期以后不宜进行调亏。
- Internode disconnection greatly decreased further internode elongation but increased specific internode length. 实验过程中的节间切断处理抑制了节间的进一步伸长但提高了比节间长度。
- In intact treatments, soil nitrogen promoted internode elongation, specific internode length, and also the formation of tillers. 结缕草克隆在保持连接的情况下,土壤氮素对节间长度和比节间长度的伸长生长以及分蘖的形成具有促进作用。
- The data were absent . Data at elongation stage were lack because no paraffin section at t his stage was made. 表示数据缺失。圆秆期叶鞘紧密包裹茎秆,切片不易制作,故没有测量髓腔半径。
- The effects of shading were decreased in the order of maturing stage > vigorous growth stage>root elongation stage. 不同时期遮荫的影响为成熟期>旺长期>伸根期>对照。
- Wheat yield of irrig ating field during elongation stage can be increased by 15%more than that of tr aditional management when it is rainy before planting wheat. 覆盖补水后,改为拔节、越冬和孕穗3个时期追肥,以拔节期追肥的产量最高,比对照增产14.;3%25;
- Transcriptional level assays showed the two genes were constitutively expressed in tested tissues with higher expression levels during the fiber elongation stage. 转录水平分析表明,这两个基因在棉花根、茎、叶和纤维中组成性表达,在棉纤维中优势表达。
- The elongation stage is the key and sensitive stage, the N fertilizer applied at this stage could not only increase the yield of winter wheat but also increase the content of free amino acid and protein of grain, and improve the quality of grain protein. 冬小麦水氮高效的关键期和敏感期在拔节期,这个时期施氮可以增加子粒中游离氨基酸及蛋白质含量,提高其质量。
- Decreasing N application proportion after elongation stage could decrease the accumulation rates of amylose, amylopectin and starch from 14th to 35th DAA and amylose content, but increase the contents of amylopectin and starch at maturity. 5植株体内含氮率在越冬始期最高,随生育进程推移而逐渐下降,可溶性糖含量在越冬始期、孕穗一开花期含量较高,拔节期含量较低,C/N比值与糖含量变化趋势相似。 拔节、孕穗、开花期植株糖含量及糖氮比与籽粒淀粉含量呈显著正相关。
- There are many spotlights on the stage. 舞台上有很多聚光灯。
- Combining base ferti lizer with additional manuring can increase wheat yield,additional manuring duri n g elongation stage can be increased by 14.3% more than single base fertilizer. 越冬追肥增产9.;0%25。产量随施肥量的增加而增加,在不同施氮和钾水平中,产量均随施磷量的增加而增加。
- To protect Bupleurum chinense against Root Rot,more phosphorous fertilizer,certain nitrogen and potassium fertilizer should be applied in early elongation stage in the second growing year. 从预防柴胡根腐病的角度,在第二年拔节前应多施磷肥,适量施用氮钾肥。
- Please dim out the stage for the final scene. 请在最后一场即将开演时使舞台灯光转暗。
- The singer was led off the stage by the maestro. 歌唱家由那位著名的指挥领着离开了舞台。
- In the experiment. the absorbing rate of soil mineralizable N increased greatly after the elongation stage, it was assumed that the rice had a fertilizer deficiency phenomenon during the later period. 这与水稻在两种水分管理条件下的生长状况和氮在两种情形下的转化特点密切相关。
- I always get the jitters before I go on stage. 我登台之前总是感到紧张。
- She did the first stage of the trip by train. 她行程的第一段是乘火车的。
- She's wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 她从小就想当演员。
- The singer got the bird when she came out on stage. 这位歌手一出现在舞台上人们便以嘘声嘲弄她。