- interrupt control word 中断控制字
- In sorting, synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- In sorting,synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- PCI interface driver, IO port directly read, interrupt control and so on. PCI接口驱动程序,IO口的直接读取,中断控制等等。
- Could not initialize the interrupt controller. 不能初始化中断控制器。
- A part of a microcoded control word that controls specific machine operations. 控制特定的机器操作的微代码控制字中的一个组成部分。
- Floating-point exceptions are enabled by modifying the FPU control word with the _controlfp function. 通过用_controlfp函数修改FPU控制字,可以启用浮点异常。
- The emphasis of our research is the work theory of CAS and the concept of control word (CW), ECM and EMM. 然后介绍了条件接收的概念和发展概况,重点研究了条件接收系统的工作原理,以及控制字、ECM、EMM的概念。
- A control word is a specially formatted command that RTF uses to mark printer control codes and information that applications use to manage documents. 控制字 是一种特殊的RTF用来标记打印机控制符的格式化命令,也是程序用来管理文档样式的格式化信息。
- When such a control word has no parameter or has a nonzero parameter, it is assumed that the control word turns on the property. 当这样的控制字没有参数或仅有一个非零参数,则认为这个控制字开启了这个属性。
- Supplemental facilities include debug unit for real-time debugging, high resolution tick timer, programmable interrupt controller and power management support. 辅助功能包括用于实时调试的调试单元,高分辨率嘀哒计数器,可编程中断控制器和电源管理。
- priority interrupt control module 优先中断控制模件
- priority interrupt control device [计] 优先中断控制器
- Communication Interrupt Control Program 通信中断控制程序
- In this paper, the architecture of the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) System is introduced, and the Local APIC module, I/O APIC module and APIC BUS are discussed in detail. 本文介绍了高级可编程中断控制器(APIC)系统的构成,并对其中的Local APIC模块、I/O APIC模块以及A-PIC总线作了详细的介绍。
- The control properties of certain control words (such as bold, italic, keep together, and so on) have only two states. 某个控制字(例如粗体(bold)、斜体(italic)、粗斜体等等)的控制属性仅有两个状态。
- This worksheet contains information about controlling Word 97, Microsoft Access 97, PowerPoint 97, Outlook 97, and Office Binder 97 using a macro in Microsoft Excel 97. 工作表包含控制Word 97、Microsoft Access 97、PowerPoint 97、Outlook 97和Office活页夹97 Microsoft Excel 97中使用宏信息。
- Don't interrupt her: let her have her say. 别打断她的话,让她把意见说出来。
- Please continue; I didn't mean to interrupt. 请往下说,我不是有意打断你的话的。
- The ALU performs all the arithmetic needed to implement these filters.The filter coefficients and other control words are stored in ROM. 这些滤波运算采用一个ALU分时进行,运算控制字存于ROM中,仅需对ROM编程即可实现不同的滤波器。