- Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。
- The noise interrupted my train of thought. 喧闹声打断了我的思路。
- His telephone call interrupted my train of thought. 他的电话打断了我的思路。
- Don't interrupt her: let her have her say. 别打断她的话,让她把意见说出来。
- Please continue; I didn't mean to interrupt. 请往下说,我不是有意打断你的话的。
- How aggravating to be interrupted! 被打扰,多令人生气呀!
- Hecklers interrupted her speech with jeering. 诘问者的嘲笑打断了她的讲话。
- The proceedings were interrupted by the fire alarm. 会议的进程被火灾警报打断了。
- These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们眺望海景的视野。
- Did you have gas or an injection? 你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针?
- As I was about to say when you interrupted me ... 我正要说的时候,你插嘴了 ...
- I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection. 我注射了伤寒针剂后产生了不良反应。
- A German scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China. 一位德国科学家打断了我,并问我是否来自中国。
- The morphine was administered by injection. 那吗啡是注射进去的。
- His speech was frequently interrupted by stormy applause. 他的演说不时被暴风雨般的掌声打断。
- Rain interrupted our baseball game. 下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。
- Nobody ventured to interrupt him. 没有人敢打断他的话。
- The meeting was closed after the demonstrators interrupted it. 会议遭示威者干扰而结束。
- We hope to inject new life into our business. 我们希望使我们的业务工作充满朝气。
- I'm sorry to interrupt your contemplations, but ... 很抱歉打断了您的沉思,可是 ...