- It is easy to drive using the Interstate highway system. 州际公路系统使驾车变得很容易。
- A plane just landed on the interstate highway outside of town. 一架飞机刚刚降落在村外的州际高速公路上。
- Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate highway system. 因果:服务性的东西促进高速路发展。
- What is the maximum speed limit on an interstate highway on a clear day? In a rural area? 天气晴好时州际高速路限速多少?
- What should you do if you drive past the exit on an interstate highway where you wanted to get off? 在高速路上错过了出口怎么办?
- In the 1950s the U.S. interstate highway system was inaugurated to link the country's major cities. 20世纪50年代,美国连接各州的道路系统也在全国各主要城市间修建起来。
- The Interstate Highway system is only a small part of the huge system of roads in the United States. 州际高速公路只占美国庞大的公路系统中很小的一部分。
- In the early 1950s a new interstate highway was planned to bypass the town of Corbin. 50年代初一条新计划的州际公路要横穿卡宾小镇。
- Overton Park involved a dispute over the use of federal highway funds to finance the construction of an interstate highway through Overton Park, a 342-acre city park in Memphis. 欧弗顿公园一案涉及到的争端是关于使用联邦高速公路基金兴建一条横穿欧弗顿公园的州际高速公路,该公园位于孟菲斯城,占地342英亩。
- Interstate Highway Commission; interstate highways; Interstate Commerce Commission; interstate commerce. 州际公路考察团;州际公路;州际商务委员会;州际贸易。
- In their theory,the most important breakthroughs---going back to the interstate highway system in the l950s and the rise of inexpensive long-distance phone service in the'60s---are those that allow businesses to extend their reach. 根据他们的理论,最重要的突破是那些有助于公司扩大范围的创新。这可以追溯到50年代州际高速公路和60年代廉价长途电话的出现。
- Hitchhiking is illegal on interstate highways, you know. 您知道,在跨州公路上搭便车是犯法的。
- In their theory, the most important breakthroughs---going back to the interstate highway system in the l950s and the rise of inexpensive long-distance phone service in the '60s---are those that allow businesses to extend their reach. 根据他们的理论,最重要的突破是那些有助于公司扩大范围的创新。 这可以追溯到50年代州际高速公路和60年代廉价长途电话的出现。
- A chain-reaction crash on a snowy interstate highway involving about 50 vehicles, including an ambulance carrying patients, killed one person Thursday, Pennsylvania officials said. 导致连锁反应坠毁在雪域州际公路约50辆汽车,包括一辆救护车运载病人周四死一人、宾州官员说。
- How are interstate highways numbered in the United States? 美国的州际高速公路是怎样标号的?
- Yaden, R. "Interstate Highways and City Design in the United States." 2002. 美国的州际公路与城市设计>,2002.
- Interstate Highway System in America 美国的州际高速公路系统
- All east-west interstate highways are even-numbered and increase from south to north. 所有东西向的州际高速公路都用偶数标号,数字从南往北递增。
- New surveys show that on some interstate highways 83% of all drivers are currently ignoring the federal 55 m.p.h, speed limit. 据近期统计:在某些州际高速公路上,通常有83%25的开车人都无视联邦政府关于最高时速55英里的规定。
- Or you can buy a few maps that show the Interstate highway system, 或者购买几张能指示州际公路系统的地图,