- intertemporal consumer choice 跨期消费选择
- Providing reliable cost and quality information empowers consumer choice. 为消费者的选择提供可靠的费用和品质信息。
- Mr Murdoch was right to champion consumer choice and competition in television 20 years ago. 默多克在20年前捍卫消费者的选择,呼吁电视业竞争,可谓正确之举。
- The Review also sets out policies to guide shifts in investment and consumer choice towards low-carbon and high-efficiency products. 报告还指出,各国需要制定引导投资和消费者向低炭、高效产品转变的政策。
- Taking off all across Asia, E-commerce is creating a new world of consumer choice and distantly Asian versions of online giants. 电子商务在亚洲地区开始腾飞,使消费者有了选择的新天地,同时也出现了具有亚洲特色的网上巨型公司。
- Aside from the obvious food safety benefits, behind the scenes, better traceability can also lead to better product quality and more consumer choice. 除了明显的食品安全效益外,良好的可溯源性还促进产品质量的提高,并给消费者提供更多选择。
- Innovation and improvement in these industries will also lead to better service delivery and greater consumer choice, thereby promoting growth and creating new jobs. 与此同时,业内人士本身不断创新,努力求进,亦有助改善服务,为消费者提供更多选择,从而推动行业的发展,创造更多就业机会。
- Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today's tech-savvy workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics. 如今的技术熟练工们,由于从小到大一直身处私有化和更多消费选择的时代,都热爱自由的市场经济。
- Innovation and improvement in these industries will also lead to better service delivery and greater consumer choice,thereby promoting growth and creating new jobs. 与此同时,业内人士本身不断创新,努力求进,亦有助改善服务,为消费者提供更多选择,从而推动行业的发展,创造更多就业机会。
- Therefore, the value of acquired conditions in the marketing point of choice is "anticipatory" may be more direct and clear. it is also more conducive to advance consumer choice. 因此,后天商品附加条件在营销切入点的选择上是可以“预支”可能会更直接、更明确,也更有利于消费者预先选择。
- Probably 50,000 stores could close without any effect on consumer choice, Gregory Segall, a managing partner at buyout firm Versa Capital Management Inc. “也许,5万家商店并不是因为消费者的选择而倒闭的。”
- In addition, agencies may conduct tests and publish the results for the purpose of assisting consumer choice, as when the FTC releases statistics on the tar and nicotine content of cigarettes or the EPA measures the gas mileage of automobiles. 此外,行政机关会举行测试并公布结果以帮助消费者作出选择,正如联邦贸易委员会公布香烟的鸦片和尼古丁含量的统计数字及环境保护委员会测量机动车的汽油哩数一样。
- The launch of Composite Interest Rate mortgage products will provide an additional consumer choice and should be beneficial to the development of the mortgage financing market, Mr. Lau added. 刘先生说:综合利率按揭产品,能为消费者提供额外的选择,有助按揭融资市场的发展。
- This paper introduces the concept of demand side response, its relationship with DSM, and its great effects on consumer choice and effects on stable and effective operation of power market. 介绍了需求侧响应的内涵及其与需求侧管理的关系,重点分析了需求侧响应对电力市场稳定有效运行和对消费者选择的重要作用,并提出在我国建立实时电价用户群的方案。
- The left argues that the solution is more government intervention; the right espouses deregulation and consumer choice to slow cost increases and so make insurance more affordable. 左翼人士认为解决方案在于政府的更多干预;右翼人士则支持解除管制,赞成客户选择,主张减缓价格增长,使得保险费用能够让人承受。
- That lucky guy is a choice pickup for the girls. 那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想把上的人。
- Lee, Khai Sheang and Soo Jiuan Tan , "E-retailing versus Physical Retailing: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test of Consumer Choice", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 56, June 2003, pp.877-885. 黄家蔚;促销方式;产品涉入程度与促销情境对消费者品牌评价与购买意愿之影响;国立成功大学企业管理研究所硕士论文;2004年;页22.
- Lee, Khai Sheang and Soo Jiuan Tan , “E-retailing versus Physical Retailing: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test of Consumer Choice”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 56, June 2003, pp.877-885. 黄家蔚,促销方式、产品涉入程度与促销情境对消费者品牌评价与购买意愿之影响,国立成功大学企业管理研究所硕士论文,2004年,页22。
- Lee, Khai Sheang and Soo Jiuan Tan, E-retailing versus Physical Retailing: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test of Consumer Choice, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 56, 2003, pp.877-885. 陈富美,网路商店购物意愿之研究-以产品特性、消费者特性及购买涉入进行探讨,硕士论文,国立台北大学企业管理学系,2001。
- Life, health, and pension actuaries deal with mortality risk, morbidity, and consumer choice regarding the ongoing utilization of drugs and medical services risk, and investment risk. 人寿、健康和抚恤金类精算师的工作主要涉及死亡风险、发病率和客户基于现时药品使用、医疗服务风险,和投资风险所作的选择。