- What's the use of flying into a huff at home? 在家跳蹋会子也不中用.
- She's got into a huff because my brother didn't remember her name. 她因为我的兄弟忘了她的名字而大动肝火。
- I told her that her new skirt was not fit for her, and she got into a huff. 我告诉她她的折裙子并不适合她时,她生气了。
- I told her that her new skirt was not fit for her,and she got into a huff. 我告诉她她的折裙子并不适合她时,她生气了。
- Marry one year: My son's wife is good still, say going up is virtuous wife, just have some of indisposition, now and then also get into a huff. 结婚一年:我的媳妇还不错,称的上是贤内助,只不过有些小毛病,偶然也耍耍脾气。
- She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm. 她冲出屋子走进了狂卷着的暴风雪中。
- His lips contorted into a grimace. 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg. 他撞在了一个电话亭上,伤了腿。
- He has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 他已成长为22岁的青年了。
- He put all his redundancy money into a shop. 他把所有剩余资金都投入了一家商店。
- The magician transformed the frog into a princess. 魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- Money caught up her hair into a bun. 莫尼把头发挽成一圆髻。
- This astounding rigidity of custom got the King into a huff 这种极其刻板的惯例激怒了国王。
- He wove four plots together into a novel. 他把四条情节编成一部小说。
- He's changed into a conscientious worker. 他已成为一个工作认真的人了。
- The baker empty several bags of flour into a bin. 面包师把几袋面粉倒入贮藏箱里。
- The car ran off the road into a ditch. 汽车驶离道路跌进沟中。