- Anyone scale local hotels are in a week Wednesday before booking rooms, and often overcrowding. 当地稍具规模的酒店每周均需在周三前预订客房,而且往往人满为患。
- Both of the two leading modes display that the anomalous region o f the atmosphere has good local correlation with that of the ocean over the midd le latitude North Pacific. 反之,当前冬赤道东太平洋海温偏低时,华北和江南南部夏季降水易偏少,淮河流域降水则偏多,同时梅雨开始偏早。
- The latte r is closer to experimental values that shows the calculation precision by B3LYP method considering both local and non-local correlation is higher than that by BPL method considering local correlation only. 其中后者更接近实验值 ;说明用同时考虑定域和非定域相关的 B3LYP方法 ;比仅考虑定域相关的 BPL方法有较高的计算精度 .
- local correlation tracking methods 局部相关跟踪算法
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- The next year the work went ahead on a large scale. 第二年这项工作就大规模进行了。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
- Scale the fish before cooking them. 烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。
- He's a paint sprayer in the local factory. 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。
- The local shop has some radios going cheap. 本地商店有些廉价的收音机。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。
- The statue was made to scale, one inch to a foot. 这座塑像是按比例做的,大小是真人的十二份之一。
- The minister's action is ruled to be intra vires. 裁定部长的行为在权限范围内。
- That's not a local accent. Where do you hail from? 那不是本地口音,你是什么地方人?
- I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today. 我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。