- intraocular porocephaliasis 眼内蛇舌状虫病
- The intraocular lens were not slant. 人工晶状体体部无倾斜。
- Can high intraocular pressure develop glaucoma? 高眼压会发展成青光眼吗?
- Cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation in children. 儿童白内障摘除及人工晶体植入术。
- How to understand and select aspheric intraocular lens? 如何理解和选择非球面人工晶状体?
- The trend of intraocular lens design: aspheric or spherical? 非球面人工晶状体会全面取代球面人工晶状体吗?
- Intraocular pressure was measured in each group with GAT and DCT. 各组分别用DCT和GAT测量眼压。
- This occurs as a result of various intraocular diseases such as high myopia. 这是由于各种眼内疾病如高度近视的结果。
- The central part of cornea is the best site for measuring intraocular pressure. 角膜中心是测量眼内压的最佳位置。
- Purpose:Discussing the orientation and measurment of intraocular eyewinker. 目的:探讨眼球异物定位及测量。
- This research reviews the theory and technology of aspheric intraocular lenses. 本综述就非球面人工晶状体理论和技术的文献进行分析总结。
- The intraocular pressure of 13 eyes has temporally increased postoperatively. 术后暂时高眼压13例。
- Laser Capsulotomy and Intraocular Lens Damage in Children after Cataract[J]. 引用该论文 张丽京;王少华;王毅.
- The isual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and complications were analyzed. 分析视力、眼压和并发症。
- People with elevated intraocular pressure are at greatest risk for developing glaucoma. 眼睛承受巨大压力的人们最有可能发展成青光眼。
- Rehak J. Neovascular glaucoma and intraocular pressure. Acta Univ Palaoki Olomuc Fac Med1992;133:71. 李俊,孙兴怀,褚仁远,等.;50例新生血管性青光眼临床分析
- Objective To evaluate the effect of sharp-edged intraocular lens (IOL) on posterior capsule opacification(PCO). 目的探讨直角边缘人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)预防后囊膜混浊(posteri-or capsule opacification,PCO)的作用。
- Implantations of posterior chamber intraocular lenses in children with monocular cataracts. 儿童单侧性白内障后房型人工晶体植入术。
- The uveal malignant melanoma is the most common intraocular malignant tumor in Caucasian and it rarely occurs in the Orientals. 摘要葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤虽为最常见的眼内恶性肿瘤,但却好发于白种人,有色人种并不常见,过去虽时有病例报告,但少有连续性的追踪病例。
- Objective To study the clinical effect of secondary suspensory intraocular lens implantation for aphaki4t eye after vitrectomy. 摘要目的探讨眼外伤玻璃体切除术后无晶状体眼二期悬吊式人工晶状体植入的临床效果。