- intrapsychic ataxia 内心运作失调,内心性协调不能
- These signs are followed by ataxia. 这些症状之后就是共济失调。
- It results in progressive ataxia beginning at a young age. 该疾病自幼犬期发病并导致渐进性共济失调。
- Other possible symptoms are ataxia, vertigo, seizures, and dysphagia. 其他可能的症状还有共济失调、眩晕、癫痫发作和吞咽困难。
- Conclusion Scalp and neck acupuncture has an exact effect on apoplectic ataxia. 结果头项针治疗中风共济失调总有效率100%25,明显优于对照组(76%25)。
- Results Virus infection is the main cause resulted in acute ataxia in infant. 结果病毒感染是急性共济失调的主要病因。
- The intrapsychic process in which an individual adopts a given script or a combination of scripts. 在这个过程中,个体采纳已经被社会设定的脚本或各种脚本的混合体。
- Social loneliness, emotional loneliness, intrapsychic loneliness, existential loneliness. 社会性的寂寞,情感上的寂寞,自我的寂寞,存在的寂寞。
- Borderline personality organization is the intrapsychic structure of personality disorders. 边缘性人格组织是人格障碍的内在结构。
- In Popper's opinion ,the w orld com prises three com ponents,the physicalone,the intrapsychic one and the cultural or objective knowledge one. 波普尔认为世界包括3个部分,即由物质客体和其他形式的物理能量构成的世界1,由内心主观感受构成的世界2,以及由人类心灵产物构成的世界3。
- A person subsequently imposes this intrapsychic structure ,the fantasies, defenses and relational modes and preoccupations which go with it ,onto external social situations. 结果是把这种内在心理结构,幻想,抵御和关系模式,还有与此对应的投入,都强加到外部社会环境中。
- The patient was a 51 year old woman with a history of rapidly progressive cognitive impairment and ataxia of gait. 患者系51岁女性,有呈急性进行性发展的认知损害和步态共济失调病史。
- In Stress (Self-defense Mechanism Activated):#4,Emotional,melancholic,self-examining,self-pitying,but a wake-up call to feelings and intrapsychic complexity. 处于压力和自我防卫时:走向第4型,情绪化,反覆无常,忧郁,自我批判,有时会自恋自怜,自暴自弃,沮丧和充满无用感,但却会执着和坚持到底。
- Neurologic symptoms of hypermagnesemia are muscular weakness, paralysis, ataxia, drowsiness, and confusion. 高镁血症的神经系统症状表现为肌肉无力、瘫痪、共济失调、嗜睡和意识模糊。
- Of them, none had ataxia or other neurological sign, except strabismus or amblyopia in 3 and familial history in 2. 由临床徵候来看,先天性眼振患者均无步态不稳或其他神经学症状,少数则伴有斜视、弱视及家族史;
- A story of a brave man who despite his spinocerebellar ataxia refuses to give up volunteering. 一个罹患小脑萎缩症患者、不因生病放弃做志工的故事。
- Their clinical symptom includes walking unstable,speech disorder,ataxia,dystonia. 临床表现:行走不稳,言语不清,共济失调,肌张力改变。
- Objective:To study the possible relationship between mitochondrial DNA point mutations and hereditary ataxia. 目的:探索线粒体DNA点突变与遗传性共济失调的关系。
- Objective To study the gene mutation and clinical characteristics of hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7). 摘要目的研究中国人遗传性脊髓小脑型共济失调(SCA)7型(SCA7)的基因突变和临床特征。
- Results The buspirone can significantly improve the ataxia of patients with stroke compared with the controls(P<0.01). 结果治疗组在平衡性和协调性方面与对照组比较有明显改善(P<0.;01)。