- Every day occurs intravenous drip, All may share with us! 每天发生的点滴,都可以跟我们分享的!
- An old picture stimulates. Beforehand intravenous drip! 一张老照片激发起.;以前的点滴!
- Intravenous drip urography of large dose was more effective. 大剂量静脉滴注尿路造影效果更好。
- Commonly used for administration of arterial injection and intravenous drip. 常用给药途径为动脉注射和静脉滴注。
- Ll set up an intravenous infusion and you should have an intravenous drip. 我现在把静脉注射用品准备好,然后给您进行静脉点滴。
- Strolls discovered carelessly the intravenous drip is the girl thoughts spread. 漫步其中不经意发现的点滴是女孩子心思的蔓延。
- Intravenous drip treatment applications without Ukrainian Central glycosides. 治疗应用时静脉滴注无环乌苷。
- Treasures at present intravenous drip! Made one joyfully to the still person... 珍惜眼前的点点滴滴!做一个快乐至尚的人...
- Besides conventional therapy, nitroglycerin was used in treatment group and magnesium sulfate was used in control group by intravenous drip infusion. 通过监测两组患者用药前后的血压、产程及母婴结局等指标来评价两者的治疗效果。
- You may see they in the sunlight, under the moonlight, are relating joyful and the happy intravenous drip together! 你可以看到他们一起在阳光,一起在月光下,诉说着快乐与幸福的点滴!
- AVB occurred either in the process of intravenous drip infusion,or3months after medication. AVB可出现在静脉滴注过程中,或用药3mo后;
- Periphery feels grateful all, was they lets you understand the life intravenous drip, was they lets you know oneself. 感恩周围的一切,是他们让你明白了人生的点点滴滴,是他们让你认识自己。
- Let us forever remember this time intravenous drip, and hope for next time campus road to be more wonderful! 让我们永远记得这一次的点点滴滴,也期盼这下一次的校园路更加精彩!
- I'm going to send for a special nurse, as the intravenous drip will run out soon. 这瓶点滴快打完了,我要去叫个特护来。
- The doctor has ordered a vasoconstrictor. It'll be added to the intravenous drip to stop the bleeding. 中译)医生已经指示一个血管收缩剂。他将被加入静脉点滴注射来停止出血。
- Results Twenty-seven patients were cured with colonic clyster and intravenous drip of octreotide acetate. 结果患者以结肠治疗机高位灌肠及奥曲肽静脉维持为主,非手术治疗治愈27例;
- He was kept alive with intravenous dripping of fluid. 他靠输液维持着生命。
- The following author acts according to oneself near two year practices, chats with English autodidact is enhancing the hearing aspect the intravenous drip experience. 下面笔者根据自己近两年的实践,与英语自学者谈谈在提高听力方面的点滴体会。
- The continuous intravenous drip of valium to control convulsion in neonates with moderate or severe HIE is safe and has good clinical effect. 安定持续静滴控制中重度HIE惊厥发作临床效果良好、安全。
- Objective To explore the cooling effects of intravenous drip of hypothermal liquid on the patients with burn and high fever. 目的探讨静脉滴注低温液体对烧伤高热患者的降温效果。