- Introduction and selection of new poplar clones in shelterbelts/windbreaks in northern Liaoning. 辽北地区农田防护林杨树新无性系的引进与优选
- Introduction and selection of Chinese jujube species 枣树优良品种引种及选择试验
- No.11 Introduction and Aria: O God! How dark it is! 第十一首:吟诵和咏叹调:上帝啊!这里多么黑暗!
- To offer course introduction and visa consultation. 提供课程介绍,签证咨询。
- Introduction and Allegro Appassionato Op. 序奏与快板。
- Introduction and Cultivation of Dianthus sp. 地被石竹引种栽培的技术。
- Introduction and Cultivation of Prunus cerasus L. 酸樱桃引种栽培试验。
- Introduction and Selection Procedure of a New Radish Variety, Baiyuchun 春萝卜新品种白玉春引种报告
- He made the introduction and everyone shook hands. 他作了介绍,大家都握了握手。
- Include your interview and selection criteria. 包括面试和选择标准。
- B: Yes, this is company introduction and logo. 是的,这是公司的简介和商标.
- Introduction and selection of magnolia family in the Islands of Zhoushan 木兰科植物海岛引种与筛选
- Ft contained two parts: introduction and text. 全文分绪论和正文两个部分。
- Right-click Error Logs and select Configure. 右键单击“错误日志”,然后选择“配置”。
- Right-click Roles and select New Role. 右键单击“角色”并选择“新建角色”。
- Introduction and selection of new genera of parterre flower in Hainan 海南花坛花卉新优物种的引种及筛选
- Right-click in the text box, and select Properties. 右键单击文本框,并选择“属性”。
- Introduction and selective breeding 引种选育
- Right-click on the chart and select Format Object. 右击图表并选择“设置对象格式”。
- Right-click the breakpoint and select Condition. 右击该断点并选择“条件”。