- The invasion force was annihilated. 侵略军被消灭了。
- They are determined to resist invasion. 他们决定抵抗入侵。
- invasion percolation 侵入逾渗法
- France itself was threatened with invasion. 法国自身也受到入侵的威胁。
- The nation was unable to resist the invasion. 该国无力抵抗侵略。
- The regiment covered itself with glory in the invasion battle. 该团在反侵略的战斗中赫赫有名。
- As been well known, we love peace and hate invasion. 众所周知,我们热爱和平,憎恨侵略。
- The country put up a strong defence against the enemy's invasion. 为了抵制敌人的侵略,这个国家布置了坚固的防御工事。
- Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy. 看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。
- An invasion or a violation of another's legal rights. 违法,犯罪对于别人法律权利的侵犯或侵害
- The navy is our principal bulwark against invasion. 海军是我们抵御侵略者的重要保障。
- The Allied invasion of southern Italy. 盟军对意大利南部的入侵
- The invasion has ignited the hatred of the people. 入侵已激起了人民的仇恨。
- The moment was ripe for an invasion. 发动一次入侵的时机已经成熟。
- No invasion of enemy territory is ever undertaken. 对敌国领土也从来没有进犯过。
- This corresponds to the percolation phase of the drying mechanism. 这相当于干化机理的渗滤阶段。
- She was annoyed at his invasion. 她对他的不招自来感到不快。
- The invasion was made by deputy. 这次侵略是通过代理人进行的。
- The law matches the experiment results of gas percolation well. 该定律与气体渗流实验结果吻合很好。
- They feared an actual invasion of Australia itself. 他们担忧着澳大利亚本身会真的遭到侵略。